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Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

IT WAS TEN MINUTES LATER WHEN WANDA BURST THROUGH THE DOOR OF THE ROOM PIETRO AND AYLA WAS IN. She had the biggest smile on her face and once she saw Ayla awake it got wider. Pietro moved away allowing Wanda to rush over without hurting him and pull Ayla into a hug

"You're awake!" Wanda screamed in glee she she held her grip on the other girl
"I was so worried, I couldn't read your mind and Tony and Bruce didn't know how to wake you up because they didn't know what was wrong. It was all a mess and I missed you" Wanda pulled away to see a smile on Ayla's face

"I missed you too" a scoff left both Pietro and Wanda's lips

"You missed us? You was asleep the whole time" Ayla's eyes cast away as she remembered. She remembered every second of every minute of being in that coma. She couldn't move, talk or do anything freely. She was just surrounded by darkness and it scared her throughout the whole duration. She felt lonely and frightened. It was horrifying and whenever her brain wanted to give her a break it would go into memories, flashbacks of her time in the black widow programme torture. It was paralysing.

"Yeah" she whispered adding a small laugh on the end to try and not make them suspicious
"I guess your right, I got the easy part" Wanda looked to her brother

Somethings wrong

She said to him. She had learned how to read minds and communicate through it with a person of her choosing. Being in the tower has allowed her to follow the extents of her abilities

Pietro let a small nod, not enough for Ayla to realise but for Wanda to see. He didn't know what had caused the change in Ayla's behaviour but he just wanted to see her better

"This is Sam Wilson" Tony introduced the other man in the room Ayla haven't met yet. He had showed her the room she was going to be living in. It was right in front of Pietro's room thankfully but Wanda's was all the way on the other side of the hallway. She had been in allowed to sleep in her room and had seen this new man the next morning
"He is now also also a part of the avengers" Ayla studied him confused before turning to the other avengers in the room. She didn't like how they were all stood there worried about her

"Oh, was he fighting Ultron too?" Sam raised his eyebrows and a few of them chuckled. She was really confused on the situation but most of them found it funny

"No, he was doing something different. He didn't even know the whole thing was going on" she nodded and shrunk back as the room went quiet again

"Come, eat something" Clint said. She looked over to him, seeing him put things on the plates of those who were sitting at the table. She moved over slowly. Thankfully a spot beside Pietro was free so she took that

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