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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

CLINT: 'WE'RE HEADING UNDER the overpass. I've got no shot'

"Which way?" Natasha asked

'Hard right. Now" Natasha made a sharp turn and they drove through till they caught up with the truck Steve and ultron was fighting on. They were both standing on top of the vehicle and Steve was getting strangled by the robot.

Natasha continued to keep up her speed even when they got close to them but instead of slowing down she tipped the motorbike over and they slid under it. She moved up beside them and Ayla threw the shield at cap who then caught it and hit ultron with it who then released his hold

Ultron raised his hands and shot a beam at the concrete in front of where they were driving and Natasha had to stop the motorbike. She turned and continued but some bots shot beams at them.

"Clint can you draw out the guards?"

'Let's find out' he put the quinjet down and shot at ultron who wasn't fazed and the robots inside started to fly up. Ayla knew that Natasha was going to get the cradle so Ayla started to use her wind to lift herself up

"What are you doing?" Natasha asked

"I'm going to help cap. You get the cradle" she nodded and Ayla flew through the air until she landed on the top of the train which is where they were now fighting on top of. Cap had thrown ultron in the air but he quickly moved back and once he did Ayla grabbed him and pushed him down where he then went through the train to inside. The passengers screamed and Steve threw his shield before ultron ran at them.

Ayla jumped over him but he still hit Steve who went flying back. She thought of using her wind but she knew ultron would push through so she used her water powers hoping that it would mess up his mainframe or something

He wasn't fazed and instead punched her across the ribs which she didn't flinch at though she knew the pain would hurt like a bitch later. She then used the air to pull apart pieces of him. He made screaming noises as she did but still fought through the pain until he was barged out the way

Ayla could tell the streak of light anywhere and she was proved right when Pietro stood beside her. Wanda used her powers too and put bars between them so ultron couldn't get there

Ayla turned to the boy with a look of relief

"Pietro" she mumbled happily. He smiled at her and she quickly hugged him despite it not being the right time. They had spent a year together, seeing each other every day and being without him for a few days felt like forever

"моя любовь. How I've missed you" he muttered happily into her neck (my love)

They pulled away as Wanda spoke and ultron quickly flew out the window after killing the driver of the train.

Ultimate soldier - Pietro maximoff [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now