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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was down to 2. They had been doing this for an hour and a half and it left 2 girls. 101 and 300. They had beat everyone else and it was just them standing

"You know what to do" Adrienne said from the sidelines. The girl sprung forward hoping to get the element of surprise but Ayla was prepared, she grabbed the arm and sent her backwards before using her other hand to punch her in the face

101 staggered back getting her hand free and sent a kick to Ayla but she quickly pushed her leg back down and swung her own legs over 101's neck. She moved around before propelling 101 too the floor. As Ayla kneeled down she grabbed the blond girls neck in her arm and put pressure on it, looking up as she suffocated her

Once she was limp Ayla stood up and brushed her hands and then she heard the distant clap of Adrienne

"Our finest warrior. You are ready"


"THIS ISN'T A GOOD IDEA" A MAN, Ayla now knows to be Strucker says. He was the one that was talking to Adrienne in her office and had been visiting a few times since the girls were born

They weren't in the usual building and had moved to a hydra base in Sokovia which wasn't that far from their usual place. But that was where Ayla was now permanently staying until said otherwise

"Just keep her on a tight leash. I'll be visiting to check on her once in a while. Is this set up?" Adrienne questioned talking about the chair in the middle of the bright room. It was like a hospital in a way mixed with a chemistry lab. Strucker nodded and looked to the guard at the corner of the room

"Bring her in"

5 minutes later Ayla was being dragged in by guards, though she would've complied anyways they still did this. She stood looking at the 2 figures In the room once the guards had left

"You've been training for this my warrior, this is what you've been preparing for" Ayla nodded, she didn't know what to expect or even what to think. She instead just sat in the chair and allowed the head piece to attach to her

She knew this was the electric chair, she had been in there many times, too many to count which was at least once a week since she was born. You would think she would grow used to the feeling but every time it seemed to get worse

Strucker moved around to a screen and continued to press buttons whilst Adrienne tied her arms and legs to the chair. Once that was done she backed away just in time as Ayla felt a pain score through her body

A scream ripped through her throat at the pain. It felt like every single cell of her body was lit on fire and she couldn't even move to try and get rid of it

The 2 adults in the room looked as the voltage continued to increase as well as the screams of the small girl

Her hair was sticking to the sweat on her forehead and neck and she was panting like she had just done a marathon

"300?" Ayla realised she had her mind back. She was moving her eyes at her own will. Adrienne undid the ties and Ayla got up

She knew this was their plan. Get her back to normal but that doesn't mean she was going to be stupid and run away. She didn't even know if she could run away at that

"I'm here" Adrienne smirked and looked to Strucker knowing that it had worked. She wasn't being controlled anymore and could now go to experiments


"Get aquatinted"

She was thrown into a room. She didn't know this place as well as her own base so she didn't know where she was. She rolled weakly on the floor, her body tense and still feeling her cells tingling from the electricity

"Hello?" Her head snapped up and despite her body protesting she jumped up and looked to the two people in front of her

"Who are you?" Ayla whispered. Her controlled self was fearless. She would have pinned them against the wall and killed then just for startling her but now it was just Ayla and she felt scared. Everything she had done was crushing her and she couldn't handle being with two other people that she didn't know.

"I'm Wanda. This is Pietro" Ayla backed up slightly at their curious gazes and they both noted that she was scared
"What's your name?"

"300" Ayla replied quietly. The twins had to strain to hear but they caught it

"You're the one going through this experiment too" the brown haired girl spoke
"You're the best warrior I was told"

"You heard what they said Wanda. She had to be put back to normal. She still has her skills but she's in her right mind now, and she's scared" Pietro whispered to his sister who frowned once she realised. She studied Ayla only getting more concerned the more she saw. Her curly hair was matted up in a bun and she looked too skinny it made Wanda wonder if she had ever eaten more than once a week

She walked forward to the girl who cowered back

"I'm not going to hurt you" Wanda promised

"No" Ayla whispered
"I don't want to hurt you"

"You're back to normal. Permanently" Wanda said reciting the words off the file they was given on her


They had put all three in cells beside each other though they could both tell that Ayla was treated differently

She would leave for around 6 hours a day to train and would come back bruised and bloody before they heard her cries after taking a life, or multiple at that. She wouldn't want to do it but she had to and this was worse than not being in her own mind because this time she did pull the trigger at her command

She wouldn't get the same food the twins would get and would get bland, mash potatoes or porridge whilst the twins could request whatever they wanted

Wanda stepped in. She knew that they were the only 2 that had volunteered and they were the best asset since they had a hatred for Tony stark so she told them that she wanted Ayla to be treated as an equal

They were allowed to hang out once a day for around 3 hours and Ayla valued their time together. At first she wouldn't even talk to the twins but she warmed up to them. She even allowed Wanda to wash her hair and get out all the buildup of knots which took around most of the time they could spend together but it helped her a lot. Wanda even put them in French braids so she wouldn't have to do anything with them for the next few days until she would redo them

She had even grown to talk to Pietro a lot. She loved Wanda as a sister and she also knew she loved Pietro as more, though that wasn't spoken out loud. She didn't know what it meant or what to do so she ignored it. Pietro however liked tease her, complimenting her all the time and watched her blush which almost made his heart swell. He reciprocated the feelings she felt for him but never did anything but flirt. It both annoyed and exited Wanda knowing that Ayla could potentially be her sister in law in a few years but she also knew her brother had to make the first move but he wouldn't

The pair would hold hands, even sit really close from time to time but Ayla brushed it off as normal though she didn't do the same things with Wanda

They all went through the programme that Ayla had heard about 2 months before and Wanda got the power of telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing. Pietro got super speed whilst Ayla could control the elements. Hydra was awfully happy when they realised this and knew their experiment was a success

She didn't know why they wanted to be friends with her after they knew exactly what she had done. Wanda even looked through her mind, not knowing how to control it at the time, yet she still stayed friends with the curly haired girl. Ayla said that she had no choice, that she didn't want to do this but truth was. Ayla would do it again, if she had to protect the both of them

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