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Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

THANKFULLY AYLA HAD FOUND THE KITCHEN WITHOUT ANY COMPLICATIONS AND SHE WAS CURRENTLY MAKING HERSELF A GLASS OF WATER. She wasn't used to walking around anywhere at night as she could barely ever leave her cell and she definitely wouldn't be having water at this time. And though Adrienne wasn't there to tell her otherwise, she still felt off about it

Her hands shook lightly as she filled up her cup and brought it to her lips but her grip wasn't strong enough

The glass shattered to the ground loudly, the water spilling all over the floor covering most of it

Ayla closed her eyes tightly, as she willed for what happened to be fake but when she opened her eyes she saw the same thing

A sob escaped her lips and she quickly knelt down, her bare knees getting wet in the process, and started picking up the glass pieces

She ignored how there was glass embedded in her knees, and how her hands were getting cut because she needed to do this. She needed to clean it before a guard found her.

She shouldn't have been here in the first place and if someone saw her she would be punished

Ayla struggled to pick more pieces up but it became harder to see through the tears that were building up

Angrily she threw the pieces she had gathered back on the floor and scooted back to the counter sobbing, brining her knees to her chest as she sat on the floor

She was going to be in so much trouble, she didn't even want to think about the consequences

Steve and Sam were walking through the tower ready for their morning run, much to Sam's dismay, when Steve heard a crash. Sam didn't since it was the enhanced hearing that caught it but he looked to Steve confused when he tensed

"What is it?" Steve started walking again but faster this time and Sam trailed behind him but as they got closer and closer the sounds of sobs filled their ears making them turn to each other confused

They entered the living room and moved to the back where the kitchen was just to see Ayla sitting in the corner, crying into her knees with glass and water over the floor

"I'm sorry" she sobbed out. Ayla had heard them coming, she knew they were the guards so she tried her best to plead
"I won't do it again. It was an accident. Please don't hurt me" Sam's shocked face turned to Steve who walked forward

"Ayla.." he said quietly but it just made her cry louder

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Ayla it's okay.." her hands moved up to her head and tugged on the roots of her hair

"Sam, get Pietro" he nodded and sprinted off in the other direction towards the elevator but by this point her cries were so loud some of the others avenger and they had started to make their to the kitchen

Tony had got there first having already been awake then followed by vision who didn't sleep. Natasha and Clint came down next and they all watched her carefully, though their eyes caught onto the blood that was leaking from her hands onto the floor

"Ayla" Natasha whispered. Steve had tried to calm her down but it wasn't working but at the sound of Natasha's voice Ayla shook in terror

"Adrienne. I'm so sorry. It won't happen again" Ayla cried and Natasha felt her chest close up. She had saw the name Adrienne on the file and she knew the woman was just like Madame b
"Ayla it's not-" a blue steak entered the room, immediately stopping by Ayla and Pietro had his arms around Ayla instantly

"Please" she cried

"Ayla look at me" she shook her head as it rested in her knees

"I'm sorry"

"I know you are, but it's not your fault. No one here is going to hurt you моя любовь" Wanda came into the room with Sam behind her and she watched as Pietro tried to calm her down. Things like this happened a lot when they were in Hydra. Pietro knew how to handle it but she would never get used to how scared Ayla was in them moments (my love)

She slowly looked up, her eyes catching onto Pietro's in relief. Ayla had realised the name only he called her and it was then she realised she was by his side

"Pietro?" She whispered in up at him and his heart broke as her saw her bloodshot eyes and her face wet with tears

"It's me, you're safe here with me"

"I dropped it. I dropped the cup and I- I thought they were gonna come for me" his arms wrapped around her and she took deep breaths still trying to stop her tears

"You're allowed to make mistakes here, it's okay and you're not going to be punished for it"  Pietro's words were careful and reassuring

"I'm going to take you back upstairs, okay?" She nodded and he picked her up and sped back upstairs leaving the avengers back in the kitchen

"She's going to be okay" Wanda said to the others who still looked slightly worried and traumatised

"Does it happen often?" Natasha asked

"Enough for Pietro to know what to do. But she's going to be okay, it'll take a few hours but she'll be back to normal"

"It's proven that physical touch isn't good for those in a traumatic episode" vision stated

"Not for Ayla. Pietro's the only one who can calm her down, she feels safe when he touches her and that's what she needed" they all knew there was now way they were going to get sleep after that so they just decided to go along with the day


IT HAD BEEN 2 MONTHS SINCE THEN. AYLA HAD BEEN REINTRODUCED TO TRAINING AND MISSIONS AND HAS GOTTEN USED TO LIVING IN THE TOWER. She's gotten along with all the avengers, all of them treating her like a little sister, except Pietro who's relationship with Ayla has blossomed

They had gotten closer than they had before always being there for each other

She had gone on many missions with the team, finally happy she was putting her powers to good use and the programme wasn't on her mind as much anymore. There was always a lingering thought of what if, but there was always someone there to keep her mind off it

Pietro and Ayla were walking around New York. He had been showing her loads of places a few times a week since she had never been there before

It was when they went past a park when Ayla started to get angsty

"Maybe we should go home" she said looking around, tightening her hold on Pietro's hand. There was no one around which freaked her out even more

"Are you okay?" She nodded but he could tell by her face something was wrong, ans he wasn't going to question it until they were home and safe

"Okay, let's go" they turned around going back the way they came but they noticed how people started walking up the them, coming from all directions

Ayla held her arms up, igniting fire in her palm but it quickly burned out when they threw something on her and Pietro. He went to speed away but it didn't work

"They limited our powers" Pietro growled. He wasn't as trained in combat and usually relied on his powers so she knew she was the one who had to get them out of this

Ayla raised her hands ready and ran to the first person, knocking him out with a dangerously hard punch to the head. She turned roundhouse kicking the next person and punched him once more turning him limp she jumped up and snapped the neck of the next person

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