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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"YOU THREE COULD STILL WALK AWAY FROM THIS" AYLA SMILED AT CAPTAIN AMERICA captain America. She had enough of being underestimated by everyone she knew

Wanda: "Oh we will"

"I know you've suffered" ultron made sick noises before they turned into laughter

"Oh captain. Gods rightoues man. Pretending you could live without war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but.."

"If you believe in peace let us keep it" the man with blonde hair and a cape said, his voice echoing around the whole place

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet"

Tony: "Uh huh. What's the vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan" he lifted up his hand and shot iron man back with some repulsers. They both rushed towards each other whilst the other avengers attacked the other bots. Ayla ran forward and at the captain and kicked him back then did a 360 roundhouse kick across his face. He dropped to the floor and picked up his shield but Ayla quickly stood on it, using his strength to her advantage and then kicked him across the head once again.
Once he was down she looked around and saw the same woman she fought the other day so she jumped off the bridge and landed behind her

"It's you" the red head whispered
"300. From the new black widow programme" Ayla wasn't fazed. What she had stated was almost public information and it wasn't like she was telling her stuff she didn't already know

Ayla raised her hands as the woman tried to move but she got no where. Ayla was controlling the air around her, trapping her. She started to thin the air around her face making her unable to breath

"I was like you too" she said gasping for air
"I was a black widow. And I got out" Ayla rolled her eyes

"I'm not going to kill you woman"

"Natasha" she added and for the comment Ayla made it harder for her to breathe

"I'm here because of Wanda and Pietro. Whatever they're doing I'm behind them 100. Truthfully, I don't actually know what's going on"

"Well-" Ayla put her hand up with an eye roll stopping Natasha from talking

"That wasn't an invitation" a man with the cape came over with his hammer and struck lightning but Ayla raised her hands, igniting her own electricity and sent it back to him which made him fall far away for them. She looked down at her hands wide eyed. She didn't know she could do that

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