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Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


"What's the drill?"

"This is the drill. If ultron gets a hand on the core we lose" banner came battling over, punching a robot as he went flying and they all looked over seeing the original ultron hovering far from them

"Is that the best you could do?" Thor shouted and ultron raised his hand and more bots came running at them

Steve: "You had to ask"

"You stupid, red cape god" Ayla grumbled under her breath and the rest laughed at her. She went to go run at Thor for the stupid comment but Pietro quickly grabbed her waist, stopping her from moving. She huffed looking away from Thor and turned her attention to the robots. Thor looked at her apologetically though a small smile was spread across his face

"Sorry lady Ayla, but we can't let any of these leave"

Ultron: "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly stop me?"

Tony: "Like the old man said.."

"Please don't say something cheesy, please don't say something cheesy..." Ayla mumbled, they all had smiles on their faces as they knew what Tony was going to say


Ayla: "Ugh" hulk let out a roar and the boys then started running in. Ayla held out her hands, using one hand to use wind and the other for fire. She burned one, turned and punched another and used the wind to tear it apart.

The cycle went on, then all protecting one another whilst simultaneously protecting the core

"Thor do you mind..?" She held out her hand and the hammer came flying at her. She threw it and it went around in a circle killing around 20 more before it landed back in Thor's hand

Thor: "They're trying to leave the city"

Tony: "We can't let them. Not even one. Rhodey"

"I'm on it" they all gathered back in the middle once there was less bots flying around

Steve: "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin? You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you"

"What about the core?"

"I'll protect it. It's my job" Clint nodded and motioned for Nat to follow him, and Steve went running after. Pietro sped back over to Wanda and Ayla

"Get the people on the boats"

"We're not going to just leave you here" Ayla said once she realised Wanda was directing it at her as well

"I can handle this" a bot came flying over and she shot her powers at it, it dying instantly
"Come back for me when everyone else is off. Not before" Pietro grunted in annoyance and walked over to Ayla
"You understand?"

"You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you" they chuckled knowing it was Pietro's excuse for everything

"Go" he nodded and picked Ayla up and lead them over to the carriers. Natasha had gone over to Bruce, successfully getting him calm and on a boat but Clint looked around hearing a mother call for her child. He looked around before his eyes caught on a boy in the distance before he ran

Pietro put Ayla down who covered for pietro as he helped get people on the carriers

Thor: "Is this the last of them?"

Steve: "Everyone else is on the carrier"

Tony: "You know, this works. We maybe don't walk away"

Thor: "Maybe not"

Clint picked up the child from where he was hiding and walked until he saw a ship that was shooting fire above them. Ayla watched and pietro sent her an apologetic look, not giving her a chance to stop him before he ran over. Clint moved so he could shield the boy with his body but pietro moved so he was shielding the both of them. The shots came foreign down and once they were gone Clint looked up seeing himself fine

Ayla had felt it. She had felt the bullets pierce her as it did him yet she was fine. It was like her heart had just been hit. She looked past the dust seeing Pietro standing up, bullet holes and blood littering his body

"You didn't see that coming" she gasped, her legs taking her over to pietro as he dropped in her arms and she slowly lowered him to the floor, his head in her hands

"No, no Pietro. Pietro please" his eyes opened momentarily, glosses over as he looked at her

"I knew I would love you from when I first met you, моя любовь" his eyes shut as he spoke his last words and she shook him, trying to bet him to open her eyes (my love)

"Pietro! Pietro! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" She cried holding his body to hers
"Don't leave me! Please don't leave me! Don't leave me!" As her last scream came out a strong, white light emptied from her. It spread out around the town, killing each and every robot left. One by one the avengers stopped not needing to fight anymore and looked over at the girl. But she didn't look normal. She was covered in a white glow. They could hear her sobs and pained screams now that they could focus with no more bots around them and the light slowly faded. Once they got a good look at Ayla they saw her face pale, veins prominent around her body but what they noticed most was the white going from in her hands to Pietro

It continued for around 5 more seconds and then they saw the wounds on him slowly fading, colour was going back to his skin and then his eyes fully opened. He gasped, looking up to see Ayla above him, her hands healing him from the inside out and once she had finished she looked down at him, in shock of what she just did yet unbelievably happy he was alive and that's he had saved him

"I couldn't live without you" she said as she met his eyes, tears freely falling down her face.
Clint caught her just before she met the ground and they rushed to get her on a carrier


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