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hold me, please?

THE MOMENT THE train arrived at the small station of district 9; Thana flies out of the train straight into her mother's arms. Tears fall as Thana is finally reunited with her family. Her father gives her a quick hug with a kiss on her head before the girl is engulfed in a hug by Zahra, her sister squeezing her waist as she lets go. Sadiya is next with a quick hug before Latif takes is sister in his arms. Thana melts into him and her broken soul is feeling a little better now that her brother is with her again.

Just beside the Jardin family, Rohan is reunited with his daughter, Carita. The beautiful girl smiling and happy to see her father again. After their hug the girl moves to Thana and gives her a hug as well.

"It'll be okay," Carita smiles as she lets go of the girl that is just one year younger than her.

That evening after many days, the whole of the Jardin sits at their dinner table again, Clément Sol is also present and for the first time in weeks the happy couple; Sadiya and Clément smile again. The woman finally ready to have her wedding now that her little sister is back. A melancholic feeling rests in the room as Jamila serves her famous soup that is loved by the whole family. Tears escape Thana's eyes every now and then, she thinks about Jack and about her home isn't really her home anymore, but most importantly the games and how she is now bound to the Capitol. But on the bright side, her victory money she donated to her parents, so the home is finally their own.

"Thana?" the girl looks up to her father, "will you help your brother with the dishes?"

"Of course, papa," Thana smiles lightly squeezing her father's hand before getting up to help Latif. She tries to hide the pain and tears in her eyes by smiling.

When bedtime is finally there, Thana makes her way to her way to her old room and bed. The warm colours give her some peace as she gets into her nightgown to slip in bed. Her thoughts still with her family, she, Thana Jardin, the first ever Jardin to survive the games. The loneliness of it already starts to creep onto her as she is extremely scarred.

"Goodnight my darling," Jamila smiles at her youngest daughter as she kisses her forehead, "I love you so much."

"I love you even more mama," Thana mummers as she closes her eyes to find some sleep.

"Call me if you need anything my sweetheart," Jamila says, "I'll be there in a second. I love you so much Thana."

"I love you mama."

As the night progresses, Thana starts to toss around in her bed.

"No, no, no," the girl mummers, "please don't do this." She turns to her other side, "no, I beg you, please leave me. Help!" her words soon turn into cries for help.

Tears stream out of Thana's eyes as her mother shakes her awake and pulls her in for a hug.

"You are safe here," Jamila looks into her daughter's eyes, "I promise you that you are safe here. I will protect you. I will always protect you the best I can."

"I don't think you can mom," Thana sobs, "I don't think you can protect me any longer."

"But I will always try, okay?" the motherly instinct high in Jamila's voice, "and you must always remember that my love for you will never diminish. Nothing can make that happen, okay?"

Jamila sits there with Thana for quite a while before the girl has finally calmed down to slow breathing. The mother stroking her daughter's hair and humming softly to get her to sleep again.

When Thana seems to sleep Jamila softly lays her down and pulls the covers over the girl. She kisses her temple before leaving the room to her own room.

"Hold me, please?" the broken voice of Thana reaches the ears of Jamila, and a sad smile finds it way on her features.

"Of course, my darling," the mother turns back to her daughter and climbs under to covers with her to hold her close to herself. Thana lays her head on her mother's heart where both the beating of the heart and the humming of her mother manages to let sleep take her again.

That morning, Verrill finds his wife and youngest daughter fast asleep in an embrace in the room of his daughter. A smile covers his face as he sees them both. His heart still singing with the coming home of his little girl. His little girl that he learned how to bike, his little girl that always asked him how things worked, and he'd show her. His little girl that always made trouble and was clumsy, loud and just so perfect. His little girl, back with him.

Verrill softly closes the door and finds the rest of his children behind him, he kisses his daughters' cheeks and pats his son on his head.

"Let's let them sleep just a little longer." They move downstairs to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. With the victory of Thana, the whole of district 9 has gotten 2 free days so they can all congratulate her and celebrate the win way before the victory tour happens. And they can get their food packets for the victory of Thana. Free food that is enough to last them a couple of months. All because the youngest Jardin girl managed to win the dreadful 72nd Hunger Games.

That afternoon, Rohan comes by after he showed Thana her new house. He sits with the family for some tea while talking with them as if he comes over for years.

"In 3 days, the victor of last games, Johanna Mason will come by for dinner. It is a tradition." The man drops after a sip of his herbal tea. "She will bring some gifts and sleep over in the new house of Thana. So, Thana you are obligated to at least sleep there for that night."

"Do you know if Johanna has any allergies?" Jamila asks the man, "or food she really doesn't like?" Like always the motherly instinct of Jamila wins in her heart, everybody knows Johanna and the tragedy of her family.

"As far as I know, no." Rohan smiles at the family, "and please don't be intimidated by the girl."

"I think we will be alright, won't we?" Verrill smiles at his wife who nods yes.

"Great, I will get the whole-time scheme as soon as I can and don't worry, no camera's will be present. This is fully between victors and their family."

"Thank you, Rohan." Thana smiles at the man before she lays her head on her brother's shoulder.

"Anytime, Thana," the man standsup and leaves the Jardin family alone again. His heart aches as he sees thecloseness of he family. Something he has always searched for, but lost when hisgirlfriend died and left him alone with his amazingly kind and beautifuldaughter Carita who he loves with whole is heart.

nora speaking here!

so change of plans, I will write five more chapters (so till chapter 18) and then this act will be over. 

I also need to come clean, yes I actually cried while I wrote this chapter. Thana has my heart and it hurts what she is going through and I just love the Jardins

and guys, I am super proud of us for raching #2 for the tagg katniseverdeen. thank you all <3

And three updates close to each other! Writing this story makes me sad and happy at the same time.

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