Chapter 3 - New friend!

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The loud noises of children voices, pitter patter of running and the soft giggles of joy filled your ears as you walk through the pick up doors.

Vanessa walks along side you as you both strut into 'Superstar Daycare'.

If you thought the colors outside of the daycare were alot, the inside of the daycare would blind you.

The bright colors of pink, green, orange, red - hell, the whole color palette filled your eye sight. But the most fluorescent colors being yellow and blue. The perfect color combination.

But to you, the bright colors only made sense, as it is an entire attraction made for kids - it had to be pleasing to a child's eyes.

You smile at the sight of all the little happy faces of children playing together and running around.

But something catches your eye. Something...really tall.

You gasp as a shining smile becomes the only thing visible. You take a step back and stare up at the thing that just jumped into your face.

The thing cheered. Only - it wasn't a was in fact a, very much alive and living human being.
"Hello! Are you here to pick up or drop off?"
The person smiled even bigger and two cute little dimples showed.

You got a closer look at the person infront of you, he's dressed in a beautifully construct uniform - made up of all bright colors. Those colors being; yellows and oranges with a couple few hints of white. Then your eyes traveled to the feet; cute little elf-like shoes which were orange and the ends curled into a perfect swirl. You brought your gaze all the way up to his face, noticing a bright gold ray headband sitting atop his fluffy head of golden blonde hair.

His face was...well to say the least gorgeous. He had every quality a person could dream of - fluffy hair, perfect skin, sharp jawline, amazing smile with a little tooth gap, dimples - EVERYTHING!

He had slight makeup on which really fit his whole look. The colors and the place ment just made his face even more elegant and perfect.

You smile up at him as you realise you had been staring for quite a long time. But to be honest, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.

You look to Vanessa to see if she could maybe explain why you were here. Sure, you could say it yourself, but it would make it sound like you were telling the truth if she told the truth - just incase he didn't believe you.

"Oh uh, Sundrop, this is Y/N."
She introduces me, but this only makes the male who I now know as Sundrop raise an eyebrow out of confusion.

"Y/N, what a pretty name!"
He greets me still a little confusion lacing his voice.

To be totally truthful you thought Vanessa would have done a better job of explaining why you were here than that.

You giggle slightly and hold your hand out slightly, indicating for Vanessa to let you continue instead.

Sincerely, theirs.  | HUMAN!! Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader  | 𝐒.𝐓Where stories live. Discover now