Chapter 6 - A helping hand.

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Y/N screams and without a second thought she punches whatever it was hard in the face.

But instead of hurting whatever was Infront of her - she only caused pain to herself.

"Holy- Jesus Mary and Joseph-!."
Y/N holds her (what now feels to be broken) hand and cusses under her breath.
"What are you made of? Metal?"
She squeaks out still in pain glaring at the ground.

A deep voice chuckles.
"No, just muscle, sweetheart."

Y/N's gaze slowly drifts up to meet a purple pair of eyes.

She immediately recognizes the man Infront of her to Montgomery Gator - otherwise known as - Monty (for short.)

Monty is very tall, towering over you completely. His hair was tinted red at the front, then on the sides it was green - there were some long strands of hair which were decorated with green beads to match his whole style. Which would consist of a strange and bulky purple blazer and no under shirt - just his abs showing underneath. His pants were black and were slightly tight but also somehow baggy in all the right places. On his feet he had platform black buckled boots which went over top of his pants. Around Monty's neck was a spikey choker and he had multiple black earrings pierced through his ear - and yet another piercing on his eyebrow which completed his whole hard-core rockstar look going on. His makeup was done immaculately; with the right amount of eyeliner and slight purple shadow on top of his eyelids made the look really pop.

Y/N stands up straight and fixes herself.
"I apologise, sir,"

"Why so formal, sweetheart? Call me Monty,"
Monty smirks down at the woman infront of him. He grabs her left hand gently and bows as he kisses her hand - maintaining eye contact with her.
"Although I wouldn't mind you calling me that under...different circumstances."

Y/N blushes and looks away.

Y/N didn't want to be would I say this - lovey dovey - so soon. Sure she knew who he was but everyone did. He is the Montgomery Gator!

She isn't super fond of nicknames either but when coming from the right person she could make an exception.

However, her and Monty did just meet but she already found him to be a very flirtatious person. Hopfully this was just with people of age...oh god help us if he says that to kids-

"Right. Well, Monty, would you mind helping me? I kinda - sorta - got lost on the way to my new job and I have to get there before 8am! But it's currently-"
Y/N pauses to look at the time on her phone.

"Relax, sweetheart...I'll help you."
Monty smiles.

Y/N sighs out in relief.
"Thank god. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't-"

Sincerely, theirs.  | HUMAN!! Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader  | 𝐒.𝐓Where stories live. Discover now