Chapter 15 - Call you what? 1/2

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The daycare was loud and the sounds of laughter and joy emitting from all of the children who have now arrived.

Everyone was starting the day off with arts and crafts, the children were all focused on their art works - while I was focused on keeping the glitter glue away from Sundrop.

The cheerful man has been trying to sneak up behind me and steal it everytime I let my guard down. But I am determined to make sure Sundrop does not get ahold of the glitter glue and eat it.
He doesn't understand how bad it is for him! But I do, so I'm making it my duty to make sure he is safe and the glitter glue stays locked away from him.

I hear a familiar bright voice whine.

I turn to Sundrop and shake my head.
"Don't even try it, Sundrop. I know you're going to ask me where the glitter glue is, but I'm not going to tell you - as I have been saying for the past hour, so stop asking."

"But I need it for my art!"
Sundrop pleaded, putting his hands together and pouting.

"You've already used that excuse, try again."
I smiled teasingly.

Sundrop huffs and turns to stomp away from me, probably to think of another excuse to give him the glitter glue. Possibly one that is more believable than the others he has given me.

I turn my gaze away from the storming off figure, and take a quick look around the daycare - to make sure everything is going smoothly and no fights are breaking out between the children.

Everything looked fine, and I was about to turn my gaze back to my paper work, but did a double take when I spotted a certain blue-uniformed man. Moondrop.

He sat with a child in his lap and was gently petting his brunette hair in attempts to calm the crying little boy down.
The reason the scene had caught my eye, was because of the gentle look Moondrop had on his face and the amount of trust the child had in him.

I had never seen Moondrop with such a soft expression, not in my two weeks of working here at least. I never would have thought he would have even been able to think of making such a calm expression.

He was softly smiling, almost in a reassuring way. His right hand was gently patting the boys head, while the little boy clutched Moondrop's shirt as his tears slowly became less and less.

I didn't even realise the small smile that crept onto my face, as I continued to watch Moondrop. He was such a good man, when he wanted to be. And when it came to the children, that was when he was one. Although, I will cut him some slack and say that he infact does sometimes act kind towards me...certainly not nearly enough though.

My eyes never leave the two boys but they do as soon as the blue irises that belonged to Moondrop focused onto my E/C ones.

My eyes widened and then darted immediately from Moondrop's and down to my paper work.

A small blush crept onto my cheeks, out of embarrassment that I had been caught.

'Maybe he didn't see me? Maybe I had looked away just in time, and he didn't notice me staring at him-!'

But I was wrong.
Moondrop did in fact notice.

"Hey, Y/N~"
I heard a deep voice say. I cringed as I knew exactly who it belonged to.

I took a quiet deep breath and slowly lifted my head up to look at Moondrop, who was standing in the other side of the desk, but had his hands pressed against it and he was leaning close to me.

"Hi Moondrop,"
I smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, don't play coy with me, Y/N. I saw you staring."
Moondrop spoke boldly and straight to the point, as he leaned closer to my face with a teasing smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."
I rolled my eyes, pretending not to know a thing.

My eyes dart away from him for a split second and I notice the little boy - who was previously crying in Moondrop's arms - was now happily coloring with his friends at a table.

Moondrop tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Really, really."
I confirmed.

"Mmhm...see, that's how I know you're lying."
Moondrop stood up properly again and began walking around to my side of the desk, never taking his eyes off of me.

I questioned him.

I stayed seated in my wheeley chair as I watched Moondrop strut up to me in full confidence.

"The way your voice hesitates, as if unsure of what you should say, perhaps wondering if you should tell the truth or a lie?"
Moondrop now stood directly infront of me, while I looked up at him.

My eyes darted away, and I looked anywhere but him. Had I been caught? Or could I possibly tell another lie to get out of this one?

"I'm not lying, Moondrop."
I spoke firmly.

"And there's the other thing. Your eyes. You can't even maintain basic eye contact with me. Are you nervous I found out that you had been staring at me? Is that why you felt the need to lie?"
Moondrop put his hands on either arm rest of the wheeley chair, boxing me in.

I kept my gaze away from him, mainly on the floor.
But I suddenly felt a rough hand grab my chin and tilt my head up. Making my eyes meet Moondrop's.

"There we are...those pretty E/C eyes."
Moondrop leaned close to my face, his voice in a whisper.


My face heated a bright shade of red, causing Moondrop to teasingly laugh.

"Relax, Y/N...I'm just teasing."
He whispered in my ear.

He then abruptly backed away from me, now stood a few feet away from me.

"Which brings me to my next issue. I have something I want you to do for me, and before you try and say 'no', may I remind you that you have to. Because I won that bet, and I plan on abusing my power to the fullest extent."
Moondrop smirked mischievously.


Sincerely, theirs

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Sincerely, theirs

Sincerely, theirs.  | HUMAN!! Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader  | 𝐒.𝐓Where stories live. Discover now