Chapter 7 - Competition.

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A familiar voice seemed to almost sound like they were upset or mad that you had showed up. You turned around and was at first faced with a muscular chest before you lifted your head up to stare at their face. Moondrop.

"Oh, hey Moony!"
You beamed at the grumpy male, not even seeming to notice his off behavior - no matter how noticeable it was.

The man rolled his eyes at the nickname and folded his arms over his chest. He looked back down at you for a second and then turned to walk away. Sundrop however, although you didn't, noticed Moondrop's more hostile attitude towards you.

Sundrop followed Moondrop but not before he quickly turned back and told you something.

"Oh, your list of things to do is over on the desk. By the way, you look great in that uniform,"
He grins then points at a brown desk with white counter tops that bent in a sort of half-oval shape.

There was a rainbow behind it and a large TV screen in which had a picture of Sun promoting his 'Sundrop's' candy. You've heard about their candy, supposedly Sundrop's drops make you energetic and then Moondrop's is the complete opposite; making you drowsy and sluggish.

You nod at Sundrop and he jogs to catch up to Moon. You take that as your cue to walk over to your new desk. You look for the supposed list of chores Sundrop told you would be there. You spotted nick knacks and some random note pads, craft things and writing utilities. You look in the middle of the desk which had a computer with a keyboard and mouse - right Infront of the keyboard was a piece of paper and writing on it. It was written in purple crayon with a few stickers on the page here and there, and a lot of glitter glue dots along the rim of the page.

You smile at the childish writing and decorations then begin to read the long list of things you need to do before opening and throughout the rest of the day.



8:10am : Make sure all toys are put away and the daycare is clean!
8:25am : Place crafts out onto each table!
8:30am : Open the main doors for all the family's!
8:40am : Meet all your new friends!

9:00am : Play with the kiddos!
9:45am : COOL DOWN! Make crafts with the kiddies!

10:15am : Snack time, give each child a snack and a drink (Which will be provided!)
10:25am : Recess! Let the kids play and do whatever they would like!

11:45am : Lunch time! Give each kiddie a slice of pizza and some fizzy faz! You will eat with the children as well.

12:20pm : Coloring! Place: pads of paper, coloring books, pens, pencils and crayons on each table!
12:55pm : Nap time! Moondrop will take care of most the work, but help him if assistance is needed. (Kiddos sleep from 12:55pm - 2:10pm!)

1:10pm : Once kids are all in bed and asleep, you will do your paper work! (It will be all in your emails on the computer)

2:10pm : Wake kids up! Sundrop will be of assistance for this task.
2:15pm : Once all kids are up, you will help them put their mats away!
2:23pm : Kiddos may have some free time! Let them do what they like (but always supervise!)

3:10pm : Snack time! Give each child a granola bar and a juice box.
3:25pm : Draw and do crafts whilst their food digests, so we have no tummy aches!
3:50pm : Play with kiddos! Whatever they want to play with you; tag, hide and seek, manhunt, duck duck goose, etc.

4:30pm : Some children go home at this time, so make sure all their backpacks are ready for them to leave!

5:00pm : Pick up a few small things while you supervise the children playing.

6:00pm : Wave goodbye to your friends!
6:10pm : Help Sundrop and Moondrop to clean up the Daycare! (Scrape stickers off tables, wipe down tables, pick up toys, sweep floors, put all crafts away and throw garbage out!)

7:00pm : Go home and get rest, we will see you tomorrow!


Your eyes widen at all of your tasks. This job is going to be exhausting until you get use to it all. You sigh then decide you should probably get a head start on all of your chores.

Meanwhile, whilst you were doing your own thing, Moondrop and Sundrop were talking about a certain new employee.

"Moondrop, what's the matter?"
Sundrop says in a soft voice.

Moondrop scowls and lets out what sounded like a low growl.

He says through gritted teeth as he stares at your form cleaning, from across the daycare.

Sundrop says with confusion; not exactly catching on to who Moondrop was talking about. Then Sundrop follows Moondrop's gaze over to you.

"Oh! You mean Y/N!"
Moondrop hardens his glare as he hears your name.
"Isn't she just great? She's such a kind and caring girl!"
Sundrop giggles as he looks at you.

Moondrop rolls his eyes at his twin then stares at him with a glare.
"Oh please."
He mutters.

Sundrop raises an eyebrow at his brother.

"I get the feeling you are not very fond of miss Y/N?"
He looks at his brother.

"No! you think?"
Moondrop says sarcastically.

Sundrop clicks his tongue.
"But why? She's such a nice girl!"

"I don't exactly know 100% why, but something about her just annoys me to bits."
Moondrop says honestly. The truth was, he felt he had competition with Y/N the second she helped Evangeline. Moondrop saw how good she was with her and immediately cheered Evangeline up quicker than he ever could. That frustrated him.

Moondrop planned to prove to her that he was better than her at this. He was going to make Y/N's time here hell.

Now all he had to do is find what really makes her tick.

1012 • Words


Sincerely, theirs

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Sincerely, theirs.

Sincerely, theirs.  | HUMAN!! Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader  | 𝐒.𝐓Where stories live. Discover now