Chapter 20 - A Visitor.

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Most of three's sleep went uninterrupted. I say most because, a certain girl with H/C hair woke up suddenly in the middle of the night with a small gasp. Y/N felt like she had just awoken from a nightmare, but she couldn't recall having one in the first place.

'How Strange.'
Y/N thought.

Everything about her current situation was odd.
The room was terrifying freezing to the point Y/N had to let out a shiver which travelled up her spine, as her teeth chattered - almost as if her teeth were telling her in Morse code that she needed to find heat right away. Which was peculiar, because the temperature was always perfect in the daycare. The woman had awoken in a cold sweat with an extreme feeling of being watched.

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she whipped her head around the room to find the source of the feeling, but turned out fruitless.

Y/N got out of bed, the fairy lights strung around the room being her only source of light in the dark of the night, she pulled one of the many blankets off of the bed and wrapped it around her shaking body.
She decided she would go find a bottle of water, drink some, and just breathe. Maybe she might even have some luck for finding her personal cell phone that had gone missing recently, perhaps she would come across it? She probably just dropped it somewhere, right?

Maybe she was just feeling slightly paranoid about being back at the daycare so late. Because it was exactly around this time when she had seen that...thing not too long ago.

Y/N swiftly walked towards the cafeteria, practically jogging out of fear. The feeling of eyes lingering on her form never left the back of her mind and never leaving her.

Unknowingly, there among the shadows, was a certain mascot who struck fear in anyone and everyone who came across them. Leaving them scarred emotionally or...physically.
They watched Y/N with a fascination, not one of love or amusement, but of a yearning to know what the young woman would look like dismantled.

Back in Sundrop and Moondrop's room, they still lay soundly sleeping. Having no idea what was going on outside of their closed bedroom doors. The two hadn't realized the drastic change in temperature either, possibly because of the large amount of blankets draped over their bodies.

Y/N finally found the cafeteria after having gotten lost once or twice in the huge building and grabbed herself a random bottle of water, supposedly one for the reserved waters for employees only. Y/N had managed to calm herself down now and plopped her butt down on one of the cafeteria's bar stools.

The E/C eyed woman took a large sip of her water before taking a deep breath. She still felt uneasy and that strange feeling hasn't left her. She has been trying to ignore it, but some things don't come as easy as just pushing it aside.

Y/N began to become lost in her own mind, the world around her disappearing as she just thought about life and any random things that came to her. Every now and then she would take sips of her water and as she continued to drink, her eyes would become heavier.

Y/N tried to get up and walk back to the boys' bedroom, but her legs wouldn't move. They collapsed the second she put any body weight on them, she fell hard against the cold checkered flooring and groaned in agony. The blanket had dropped next to her body leaving her exposed to the icy air once more.

Y/N whined, her body was shutting down so quickly, she had pretty much lost the ability to let out much more than a whimper or cry. Y/N pushed forward and tried to pull her body out of the cafeteria, but something stopped her.

"So weak you are."
A distorted voice mocked.

Or someone.

Y/N froze in her place.

"And how stupid of you to drink from random water bottle you just found?"
The voice continued.
"Didn't your mother teach you better, Y/N?"

"Don't talk about my mother."
Y/N spoke up, a sudden courage surging through her veins.

Y/N began to pull herself forward once more, she didn't want to let this thing win. Not after she knew that it was going to come back.

The mascot let out a low growl in frustration and kicked Y/N over onto her back.

Y/N looked at the thing and let out a shrill scream, but the dangerous stranger covered her mouth. Pressing so hard it hurt Y/N greatly. But the Bunny didn't feel any remorse.

The same bunny mascot was staring directly into her soul just like that night.

"What's wrong, Y/N? Why so angry? Is this about your phone? Cause if so, I have it right..."
The bunny reached behind their body and grabbed ahold of an item, waving it in front of Y/N's face to show her phone that had gone missing the day before.

Y/N thrashed and her muffled screams could be heard from beneath the attackers gloved hand.

"Stop moving you stupid little girl."
The mangled bunny mascot said between gritted teeth. Y/N didn't listen.
"Stop moving or I'll tear you limb from limb and take out your insides while you're still alive."

Y/N began to cry as her weak body became limp, she found it was best to listen to the psychotic bunnie's demands.

Realizing how feeble she was, The Bunny took their hand away from Y/N's mouth and her cries became more audible. The Bunny liked hearing her suffer, her cries of pain, confusion, and fear. They liked it.

"P-Please...leave me alone...!"
Y/N sobbed.

"Shh, this will all be over soon and tomorrow will be a new day. Then soon enough, I'll find you again. But when that time comes, there will be a lot more blood."
The mascot whispered eerily to Y/N.

Y/N's eyes became heavy and her body lacked all of its strength.

"Now just sleep. I'll see you soon~"
The Bunny taunted Y/N.

With those few terrifying words, Y/N's body completely shut down and she fell unconscious. That single set of random words strung together was enough to terrify Y/N for days to come.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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