Chapter 10 - Hide and Seek 2/4

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So, the games begin. Moondrop is counting first, after he wouldn't take no for an answer. You, however, were running around like a headless chicken—trying to find a hiding spot in the minimal amount of time given. You had to take off your uniforms head piece for this game—so that it wouldnt poke out of your hiding spot then you would get caught and lose.

You figured hiding in the play structures would be too easy of a spot. Moondrop has played Hide and Seek with the kids before, so, he would probably already find that to be a popular spot for the kids to be hiding in.

You didn't want to make your hiding spot predictable. You wanted to win, that's the only reason you even agreed to this bet in the first place. That paper work could kiss your ass for all you cared.

You begin to panic as you hear Moondrops voice audibly counting. He wanted to taunt you a little bit.

Moondrop wanted you to feel hope then he wanted to crush it like it was a bug. He wanted to see that sweet look of defeat upon your face as you realize you hadn't won. My, my all the things he would do to you once he won.

"Ten, nine, eight..."
Moondrops voice announced.

Most of everyone had already found a hiding spot, meanwhile you were freaking out because you couldn't think of one that was good enough to win the round.

The goal here is to be the last person found, if you could manage that then you could win.

"Seven, six, five..."
Moondrop smirked as he listened to the sound of your panicked feet running across the floor. He could tell it was you because the childrens feet were light, they sounded more like pitter patter of rain rather than footsteps. Sundrops footsteps were heavier than yours. Not to mention the click of your heels.

"Four, three..."

You figured you were just going to lose the round because you couldn't even find a hiding spot and would be seen right away, obviously.

Just as your hope began slipping away, a smooth but big hand gripped your arm and quietly pulled you down into the ball pit.

You let out a squeak in surprise at the action but a hand over your mouth immediately silenced you.

"Shh, you're okay, it's just me—Sundrop."
Sundrops deep but smooth voice whispered in your ear. His voice isn't as deep as Moondrop's. Sundrops voice was more pitched and lighter than his.

You didn't speak and was about to take Sundrops hand off of your mouth, but stopped just as you heard Moondrops hunting footsteps walking around.

The daycare is silent, nothing but the sound of Moondrop walking around was audible—and his teasing words.

Moondrop called out. You just knew he had a sadistic smile on his face.
"Come on out, star light I wont hurt ya."

Time went by and Moondrop still hadn't found you. A lot of the kids were found, if not all of them. You didn't exactly know how many people Moondrop had found—but you weren't focused on that. Right now, all you needed to be worrying about is not getting caught. So far, you are doing a pretty great job at that.

Sincerely, theirs.  | HUMAN!! Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader  | 𝐒.𝐓Where stories live. Discover now