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Every day, we face ourselves in front of mirrors.

Mirrors which don't reflect who we are.

Mirrors which show our true colors—colors so different from our own skin.

Mirrors so dark we lose our sense of selves.

Fake lives. Hidden desires. Dirty little secrets.

Inside those mirrors lies a mad, mad world.

A wicked wonderland with nothing but a display of madness.

But somewhere around the corners of that wicked world lurks a mysterious someone.

Someone pulling the strings and playing with the wires.

Someone who got me twisted and tangled up in his games.

Someone hiding behind the persona of deuxXxmachina.

That someone is a total stranger who brings nothing but danger.

That someone is none other than the genius hacker-engineer, Xantiel Vouganville.



Danger, Danger, Mr. StrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon