Chapter 2-Towel scenerio

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After a few minutes we arrived at a place that looked like a car shop or a garage? It was full of all these fancy cars and some sports bikes.I scanned the place quickly with my eyes and followed Phayu who was infront of me matching with some big strides,after a short distance to the back, stood a big house.It was box like.He reached for the door and typed in the codes unlocking it.I stepped into the room that was coloured grey, everything was organized and super clean.

"Let's go upstairs,"He suggested.I nodded in agreement and followed him.He opened the door to his room and ushered me in.His room was full of small model cars and some posters.

"Here go take a hot shower,we don't have time for a cold,"He said as he handed me a towel

"Thank you,"I replied with a soft tone.

I stayed in the hot bathtub for a while rethinking my decision about coming here I could have just told him to drop me off at my place but it was already done what could I possibly do.I got up, put on a bath robe and headed out while drying my hair using the towel he gave me.He was sitting on the bed in a grey sweatpant and a tank top.

"Looks like someone's been working out,"I whispered under my breathe.

"Sit, lemme help you with that,"he instructed

"Okay,"I said while I sat besides him then handed over the towel to him

"Lemme know if I'm too rough okay?"He said.I nodded gently and adjusted my posture.

His gigantic hands massaged through my scalp giving me indescribable pleasure.I closed my eyes and enjoyed every inch of it.

"Didn't you say we need to talk about the car fee?"I recalled suddenly

"Mmmmh,"He said
"Soo nice,"I remarked with my eyes half closed
"Should I continue wiping?

I nodded again while closing my eyes fully to enjoy the sensation.He continued with it when I suddenly felt a warm kiss on my neck before I could do anything he tossed me on his bed ,climbed on top of me and chained my hands on top of my head with one of his hands

"What are you doing?"I asked him with a confused look on my face.
"Collecting my fee,"He replied with a naughty smirk and dived into my neck again this time he bite me so hard that it sent a chill down my spine.

"You're gay Phayu?"I questioned him
"To be precise I'm Bi and you approached me first,"He replied
"I did not,"I protested

"You couldn't let go of my hands during our last "coincidental meeting"and you kept on looking at my lips shamelessly.Your car suddenly broke down when I was right behind you and you kept on glancing at me and gave me a thirsty look under the rain when I was checking your car.You were even okay with going to a "strangers"house at night and let's not forget my photo on your social media wall,"He said confidently.I'm going to kill Sky for posting that.

"It's true I looked at you....but you got it all wrong,"I stuttered.How could he think of me like that, I didn't intentionally approach him.

"Really? What you did was throwing yourself at me,"He replied

"You got it wrong,"I pouted

"You look so sexy when you pout,"He grinned while he looked straight into my eyes then lowered them to my lips and began to bite his lower lips before I could utter any word I felt his his lips on my neck once again.He sucked my apple in a slow circular motion that made me aroused.

I held my breath while biting my lips so hard.The amount of pleasure that flowed inside my body was boundless.

"Aaaah ....,"I moaned softly while I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist.

"Rain you mustn't enjoy this,"my inner thoughts struggled.I opened my eyes and they were met by his mesmerizing looks, damn how can someone be this hot and sexy he gave me a naughty smile and went back in.His tongue was all over my neck and he left every spot he passed on with a hickey .I couldn't move my body to push him away ,It was like I was under his spell.I wanted him to kiss every inch of my body.I wanted him to own me.

He moved to my chest and caressed it softly then planted soft kisses on them.My nipples are so hard right now.Why I'm I enjoying this so much he's suppose to be my enemy?

"I..fucking hate you Phayu,"I said.
I have to escape his torture.I can't give in.

"Aaaah...aah..!"I moaned while I felt his tongue on my nipples circling and sucking so hard

"You sure about that ?"He mocked me while his eyes gestured over my legs that were wrapped around his waist.How can I be turned on by him so hard?He moved on to my other nipples sucking while his other hand caressed the other nipple.
"Feels good...,"I cried. I reached out to untie his hair but he stopped me and chained my hands again
"Not yet,"he said with a smirk.



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