Chapter 23-Attack

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"We are at the entrance of the tunnel boss,"Dunk,the lead man said.

"Proceed!"Vegas commanded.

I took out a map,a blue print of Nannat's house.It had every little details about the mansion.

"Heey when and where did you get this?"Vegas asked looking concerned,"Do you have a man on the inside?Why didn't you tell me?"He bombard me with his questions.

"Can we stop with the who and why's Vegas?FOCUS,"I said as I rolled my eyes,"I have my ways plus you could have panicked I know you and your paranoia."

"If I could have told you back then what could you have said?"It's too dangerous,our plan might be exposed"I imitated him while I lifted my fingers to quote him.

"I don't talk like that,"He proceeded "I wouldn't have reacted that way too,"He protested.


"Alright,let's get this over with.Dunk says Nannat is in his bedroom that's here,"I stated pointing at the location in the blueprint.

"They've already taken care of men at the front gate let's go for him,"Vegas said.

After a 30 minutes sweep on his mansion we got hold of him and some of his men who were lucky to be alive for now.

"Nannat,Nannat,Nannat,"Vegas said while tapping the gun on his head as he paced around the room.

"Don't do that baby,"I said


"The gun and your head?POOF!"I stated while giving him a slight demo.It made me nervous.

"But the cloak is still on ?"

"I don't give a shit! Don't do that!"I muttered under my breath

"Okay,,,Got it boss,"He said.

Nannat was on his knees,sweat was pouring out of his body.He was trembling and shaking.

"Pete I wasn't the one who gave the decree,My boys went overboard invading your territory, I have punished the ones who were responsible for that..."

"What do you take us for? Boneheads?"I roared,"What is this Nannat?"I pulled out a recorded of a  CCTV footage of him talking to his minions about attacking our territory.

" ...get that?He stuttered

"Drag them out!"Vegas ordered.Our boys handcuffed them dragging them to the vehicles outside

I turned to the ladies who were quivering with fear at the corner of the room.

"Ladies you're free to go,"I said with a broad smile.They disappeared instantly.

"They must have been scared,"I said sarcastically.

"Was it really necessary to give them that bright smile?"Vegas questioned.

"Are you jealous right now? I teased him.


"You know this is solely yours right?"I said putting my hands across his neck,"You have nothing to worry about, I'm sure nobody can do me like you do,"I said planting a soft kiss on his lips,"Let's move our baby is waiting,"I said letting go.

"You're so naughty,"Vegas said bitting his lower lips

I called Mana and told him to bring Venice and Rain to the location that we were headed to safely.It was a 30 minutes drive from the safe house they were in.

We got there first and prepared everything.
Nannat's men looked like they had met the face of death, maybe they did.VegasPete are known for being both kind and ruthless depending on their mood, situation and what is at stake.

"Should we make them join our side coz they are way too many to kill?"I whispered to Vegas while looking at them from a distance.

"Was thinking about that too but how can they be trusted?They are loyal to Nannat"

"I was loyal to Main house too.I'm a living proof here, people change."I  said confidently.

"No baby, Love did all this,"Vegas provoked Pete displaying a smirk on his lips.

"Vegas! FOCUS!"Pete roared.

"Okay, Okay.. Let's give them a chance to prove their loyalty and if they mess up,6 feet to the ground they go,"Vegas responded.


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