Chapter 18-Abyss 2

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Rain's pov

My body was on fire,I wanted him inside me so bad.He unchained me then climbed on top of me.He kept on staring at my lips that was now craving his.My hands trail his bear back while I maintained the eye contact.I lifted my chin up to kiss him before I could get to him he pulled in and took hold of my lower lip sucking on them slowly.

"Mmmmmh,"I let out a low moan.I wrapped my hands around his neck,I placed my hands on  his hair trying to remove his hair band.He pulled away slowly and looked deep into my eyes took his hands and placed it over mine that was trying to undo his ponytail.

"It's okay,,,do it,"He said softly.

We untied his ponytail together but  didn't break the eye contact.He moved on to my lips and kept on staring at them. My heart was racing I stared at his soft pink lips and I bit my lower lip so hard they were so beautiful.

"Rain..."He said faintly.

Ooh I forgot biting my lips drives him crazy but I couldn't help it.My body can't control my hungry mood.He went back in and kissed me deeply,his tongue invaded my mouth seeking for dominance.He moved on to my neck sucking and biting leaving hickeys everywhere claiming his territory.I took my fingers and bit them so hard so as not to scream out loud.

"I wanna hear you screaming out my name baby, don't hold yourself back,"He said chuckling softly.

He leaned close to my ears and bit them softly.His fingers dribbled on my nipple back and forth.I felt his warm mouth swallowing the other nipple while his tongue moved on it in circular motions.

"Aaaah... P'Phayu....aaaah,"I couldn't stop moaning his name as he embraced my body with his touch and kisses.

He turned me over swiftly and stared at my bottom shamelessly.He took the lube from the cabinet and applied some on his fingers.He spread my cheeks confidently rubbing around the entrance gently.I moaned out softly.I felt one of his fingers claiming for entrance.He pulled out and applied more lube and went in with two.
My entrance stretched out welcoming him.He started moving in and out slowly


With each moan he increased the speed.His eyes were burning with lust at the sight of  my entrance opening, gulping and squeezing his hands .

"You're ready..."He said drawing his fingers out that were now dripping wet.

"Put it in n...,"I pleaded.I felt his member inside me before I could finish my words.

"Aaaah....aaahh .... Phayu....aaah.."

"It's so hot in here baby...mmmmh,"He said seductively while pumping deep inside me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist pushing for more.He took my hard member on his hands and started moving up and down.The feeling was indescribable, I was going to explode inside from all this pleasure.

"Harder P'Phayu,"I moaned.

"Say.... please."He said stroking deeper

"Aaaah.... Please P'Phayu fuck me harder."

"Anything for you baby,"He said letting go of my member and holding on to my waist as he pump on hard.Fuck I feel so good.


I pulled his face closer to mine, wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him while seeking for his tongue.

"Aaaah... Rain"He moaned.He was almost coming.

I took my member and stroke it up and down.

"You're mine Rain.... only mine,"He said pumping deeper.

"I'm yours P'Phayu... aaaaah,"I said gasping for air my hands were busy running through his long hair .He looked so beautiful with his hair down.

His hands took hold of my nipples.He rubbed on them slowly igniting my adrenaline.

"Aaah...... I'm coming", I moaned loudly as he increased his speed.

"Aaaah......I love you Rain,"Phayu said as he came and collapsed on top of me.

"I love you more P'Phayu,"I said softly.

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