Chapter 16-Welcome To The Family

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It was 7 o'clock and Rain was still asleep.

"Dinner is ready,go wake Rain up,"Pete said

"Okay dad,"I said making my way to the bedroom.

He must have been so terrified and scared.My poor baby.

I sat on the bed and watched him for a while.He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

"Rain....Rain... wake up,"I gently tapped him.

"Five more minutes please."

"It's 7pm,wake up."

"7 what?!Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"I'm not the one who wanted five more minutes."

"My mom is gonna kill me!"

"I got off the phone with her an hour ago, she's okay with you staying over for the weekend."



"Did my mom say that?"


"What else did you tell her?She never let's me sleepover at someone else's if not Sky."

"Eerr ....eerr .... Nothing.. pa is waiting for us.He made  dinner,"I said while running out of the room.

"P'Phayu what did you tell my mom!!?!?”

"Freshen up then come down,"I shouted in the hallway.

Rain's pov
I took a quick shower,headed over to the dinning table.Vegas was in a dark blue suit he was ravishingly beautiful.Pete was in the kitchen warming up the food.He looked so jovial and carefree even with the Apron on he was so pretty.My eyes went back to my handsome boyfriend who seemed to be having a deep conversation with his dad.

"You're up,"Pete interrupted.

"Uh,yes where can I assist?"

"I'm okay just have a seat I'll serve the meal in a few minutes,"

"Nope I insist Sir."

"Sir?No no no call me Pa,"Pete said moving closer to me,"You're now of the family."He said glancing at Venice.

"Eerr ... okay si ....Paa,"

"Good boy,"He said patting my head.

"Now go and have a seat, you've had a rough day."

I made small strides towards the table.Venice saw me and pulled out a chair besides him.

"How are you feeling,"Vegas asked.

"I'm good sir,"

"What did I say?"I heard Pete's voice behind me.He was carrying a hot pot broth.The aroma made me salivate.

"I'm good pa,"I said.Vegas smiled lightly.

The meal was served.It was super delicious.It's been a while since I ate such a nutritious meal.

"So Rain how did Nannat get hold of you?"Pete inquired.

I narrated the scenerio and how the crime took place leaving out no detail.

"A soft one...,"Vegas said glancing at Phayu.

"Pa, don't tease him, P'Phayu said.

We ate the meal silently.After we were done I took the plates to the sink and washed them all.They were sitting in the living room talking and laughing.I admired the father-son bond so much something I never got to experience.I went out and sat next to P'Phayu.

"We're so  sorry for today Rain,you got dragged into our mess,"Vegas said in a  remorseful tone.

"It's okay pa,"I said.

"How did you guys meet,"Pete asked with a wide smile.

"Pa ..."Phayu pleaded.

"I'm just interested.Where did you find this sweet innocent boy from,is that wrong?"He said laughing hilariously.

"Who said he's sweet and innocent?"Phayu asked.

"Ooh I see,"Vegas said nodding with a smile.

"P'Phayu..."I hissed.

"Since Venice don't wanna talk Rain, can you tell us your love story?I really want to hear it"Pete begged.

"Ok..aay,"I stammered while looking at Phayu.

I narrated how we met and how things developed and how we ended up being"boyfriends"Pete was so invested in the story that he kept asking questions about some parts that weren't clear.Phayu seemed to be mad at some point but I didn't figure out why.

"Woooow!!!I love it,"Pete said wiping tears from the corner of his eyes.He couldn't stop laughing,"Son you found a rare gem, take care of it.We're gonna go to bed,rest early boys I love you."He said and walked away holding Vegas's hand's.

Echos of his contagious laugh could still be heard on the hallway.

"Did you really have to give out all the details like that Rain? Now my dads are gonna mock me every day and call me a simp.."

"It's good to be a simp sometimes,you can be awarded with trophies like your dad Pete  and I can't you see?"

"So confident huh how should I punish you? Come here..."Phayu said and carrying me over his shoulder spanking my ass all the way to the bedroom.

            *Thank you for reading,see you next week.                        
*I love you, Take care*
*Merry Christmas*

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