Chapter 30-Family Moments

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🦋 Rain's pov 🦋

I felt the warm rays welcoming the new day hit my face.I moved my hands searching for Phayu's body,my eyes still shut.I couldn't feel him, I opened my eyes staring by my side but he was nowhere,I scanned the room finding myself all alone.I struggled to sit up and reached for my phone that was on the cabinet beside the bed.I rubbed my eyes and clicked on the side to turn it on,I closed my eyes halfway for the light from the screen was blinding.It was still 7am, P'Phayu ain't an early riser.Where was he?

I collected myself and walked out of the bed,my whole body was aching,last night was pretty wild and now my body was paying for the consequences.I made my way to the bathroom hoping to see my baby but nobody was there.I walked back to the bedroom and noticed a sticky note paper on the side table.

Good morning baby, sorry had to get up early prepare for mom's visit,I didn't want to wake you up.

Prepare?prepare what exactly that required him to get up that early?She was just coming over for lunch or was it dinner?I didn't want to overthink it,I went to the bathroom took a quick shower then made my way downstairs.

"Nope,put that over there"

"Move it to the left a little bit"

I heard voices from far,when I got to the ground floor my jaw dropped.The whole room arrangement changed, people were busy decorating the house,I glanced towards the kitchen and I saw three or more chefs in there full outfits busy making food of all kinds.Everyone was in a happy mood.Some were chatting, giggling and looking at me,weird if you ask me.

Okay what's going on? Where's Phayu? where's pa?

"There you are,"I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.I turned to see Pete smiling sheepishly.He dragged me to the dinning table where there was some food covered.

"Eat,"he said pulling out a chair, then pressed me down.I had lots of questions flooding my mind now.

"V's are out getting more supplies they'll be back in a few, hope you had a good night,"He said answering a quarter of my questions.

"I slept well pa,"

"Great."He said pulling out a chair and sitting down across me.

"What's the event?The decorations?"

"Your mom is coming over remember?and she's bringing 5 guests along, your relatives,we are preparing,"He responded.

"Guests? relatives?"

"Yeah,She said she texted you yesternight?"

Omg,I haven't seen it.How did I overlook that?I dived into my pocket to get hold of my phone then rampaged through my messages looking for hers, there it was.

Hey darling, I'll be coming over tomorrow as you know and forgive me for I'm bringing along Aunt Larinna,Aunt Katrina, Uncle Siritra,Uncle Binita,Tania and Basita they wanna meet your new family.Kisses,see you soon.Miss you!

Okay,now we are having a little family reunion rather than family introduction? Really mom? great.Just great.

"Pa, even so don't you think the decorations are a little extra?"I asked pa worriedly.

"This is nothing Rain,we are hosting your mom, Our future in-laws are coming too, first impression matters,"He said happily.


"No more buts,"He cut me off getting up"I'm going to check how it's going on in the back,dig in you're gonna need your energy,"and with that he left

Back? what's happening there?

I was so replenished.I took my plates to the sink to wash them but one of the chefs smiled sweetly and took them from my hands saying he'll take care of them,I insisted on doing them but he was a tough cookie to get through.I gave up and walked away.I was so curious about what pa went to do in the backyard so I let my curiosity get the best of me.

I got there and the site was breathetaking.All this for my mom?there were around 10 or 15 chairs organized facing a small aisle that was surrounded by four long poles covered in flowers and the top had a net like cloth covering it.If pa didn't tell me this were all preparation for mom I would've thought that we were hosting a small wedding ceremony

I tilted my head to the left and saw pa talking on the phone,he looked pretty excited more than that he was giggling, laughing,smiling widely.He hang up and shifted to my direction then made his way towards me.

"Rain,My baby,"He said cupping my cheeks in his hands then exhaled heavily,"Your mom is almost here why don't you go up and prepare?"

"But pa, I think this is still extra,"I said hovering my hands all over the place.

"It's a little too late to change our minds and the settings don't you think ?"He asked sarcastically.


"Sssh... Ennis bring the suit,"He instructed one of the bodyguards who came up rushing with it on his arms.

"Venice and pa ain't back yet? What's taking them so long?”

"They're almost here too,now take this,go upstairs and doll yourself up, your mom may pop up any minute from now."

"Mom has seen me in worst believe me,"I chuckled looking down on the clothes I was wearing at the moment.I looked up and saw Pete staring at me blankly.

"Okay, I was just saying,"I mumbled leaving.

"Good boy."

I know I said only two more chapters to go but*sighs*here we are...

What do you think is going to happen next?

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