Chapter 10-The Party

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I went to Sky's place to rest coz I didn't want to get bored all alone at home.

"I'm not going to the party,"I said.


"I'm not in the mood,"

"I heard P'Phayu is one of the special guest,"He said.

I jumped off the bed and ran to Sky.

"Are you sure about that?Who told you? what.."

"Are you coming with me or not?"Sky cut me short.


"But you said you weren't in the mood?"He teased me,"Are you that desperate to see him?"

"See who?eerr... I'm just going there to have fun not to see anyone,"I lied.

"Ooh... okay.."Sky played along.

So he's going to be there?I can't wait to see him!

"It's almost time, I'll head home and change then pick you up."I told Sky.


We got to the party around 9pm and it was already crowded.I scanned the room for Phayu but I couldn't see him.Maybe he hasn't arrived yet.

We got some drinks and danced for a while.Linnie came out of nowhere all tipsy.

"You came!"She shouted through the noise.

"Yeah,"we replied in unison.

She danced with us for a while but saw a sudden commotion.Everyone was running towards the door and the huge windows.

"They're here!"She shouted while dragging us towards the window.I managed to take a glimpse of what was going on but all I saw was two men in sports bike. They took off there helmets damn!They look so cool!I looked closely and realized that it was Phayu and Pai!

Everyone was so uneasy that's when Sumeria popped out of nowhere all balled up with a microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for our special guests P'Phayu and P'Pai the most handsome, beautiful men with brains and power ,"She said as she descended down towards them.Everyone shouted and clapped with excitement,"We are so lucky to have you as our seniors."

She hugged Pai lightly but hold onto Phayu for a while.This made me so angry .Why did she do that.She took them inside and offered them some drinks.

"She's going to propose to Phayu tonight,"I heard a small voice over my shoulder.I turned around and saw Sky.

"Sky! why'd you change your voice like that! and who told you that?"

"I overheard her best friends conversing with someone."

My blood boiled so hard.I went and sat outside.I couldn't take it anymore.

Why am I sad?why am I bothered?I don't have any feelings for him! It's his business?

I tried to convince myself but I could feel a sharp pain piercing through my heart.What is happening to me?I wanted to drink alcohol so bad to escape from this torture but I couldn't.I have low tolerance so I can't drink more than one glass which does nothing to me.I was still sober.

"Hey,"I heard a familiar voice behind my ear.It was him!Shiyaaaa! I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear his approaching footsteps.

"Hey, P'Phayu what are you doing here?"

"I saw you all alone here, I came to keep you company,"He said.

"Eeerr.. how's the party?"

"It's good."

"I heard they have a surprise for you,"I tried to give him a heads up.

Again Rain why would you do that?!!?You have no feelings for him.

"The proposal?I heard about it"He chuckled,"I told her not to do it, I'm not interested in her,I don't want to reject her infront of everyone,I have someone I like already."

He has someone he likes already?ooh Rain how unlucky are you!

I bowed my head down in disappointment.

"Do you have someone in mind?"He asked.

"Yes but he likes someone else,"I replied without thinking twice.


"Shiyaaaa!Did I say that out loud?"

"I'm going back inside do you need anything?"He said getting up.

" I'm okay."

I sat there for a while then went in to search for Sky.I was so blue and exhausted.I just wanted to go home. I found him dancing and drank to the max.

"We have to go now Sky,"I shouted.It was so noisy.

"Noo-ooo let's drink some more."

I took his hands and dragged him out.I called a designated driver to take us home.As much as I was sober I was too exhausted to drive.

I saw Phayu and Pai coming out of the house and they both headed towards us.

"Look who's here... P'Phayu and P'Paaaaaaiii,"Sky shouted.

"Hello P'Pai.Forgive my friend he's drunk."

"Lemme drop you off,Pai will take care of your friend,"Phayu said.

"Here's his address Pai,"I trust him coz I I've heard about all his good deeds and how gentle he is.

I got onto P'Phayu's bike and he drove off.The weather changed suddenly,it was about to rain and my house was still far away.

"Do you mind staying over at my place tonight? It's almost raining and your place is still some miles away plus it's dangerous to drive in the rain,if...."

"It's okay I don't mind,"I cut him short.


He made a sharp you turn and headed to his house

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