Chapter 5-Not The Plan

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Rain's pov
I woke up the next morning wrapped up in Phayu's arms.Shiyaa!I tried to slip out of his embrace,tiptoed towards the door.

"Where are you going?"I heard his voice behind me.

"Eerr.. I'm going home,"I stuttered.

"It's Saturday and it's still early let's sleep in for a while,"Phayu said with a bright smile.

"He is even handsome in the morning with that messed up hair!"I cussed under my breathe.Then it hit me that my hair was also a mess!I ran to the bathroom and tried combing,styling it out.

"You look cute with that messy hair,"He said while he caressed my hair.

He followed me?


"Your face is red,are you blushing?"He asked moving closer to my face.

"No,"I defended myself.

"Okay, let's head to the kitchen I'll make you breakfast."

He can cook?So he's a whole package.His future partner is so lucky.

I sat at the counter watching him cook and he was so good at it.

"You're okay with omelette right?"He asked.I nodded with excitement.I can eat anything he makes.

"Rain! wake up what are you thinking about!"I said slapping my head.

His omelette was soo good.I wanted to ask him about his dads but I was afraid, what if he misunderstood my pure intentions again.I ate quietly and stole glances at him.My eyes met his suddenly and he gave me a death stare just like his dad!

"You good?"

"Y..esss,"I replied knowing I wasn't

"Is this about yesterday? my dads or the other thing?"
What does he mean by the other thing?Noo! We can't talk about that now!

"Your dads,"I said so as to avoid the other topic

"But I want us to talk about the other thing,"He teased me knowing damn well I wasn't okay with that topic.


"Okay what'd you want to know about them?"

"What businesses does your family do coz you guys seem super rich from the look of things,you own this house and that garage is yours right?"I asked and he nodded,"Your parents were dressed elegantly and they drive a luxurious car soo...?"

"They are Mafia,"He said calmly continuing with his food.

"Okay, that can't be true and he couldn't just state it as simple as that I'm sure he's just teasing me again,"I reassured myself silently

"I'm being serious here P'Phayu."

"You think I'm joking?"He said with a smile.I can't believe that,who can openly say that the family is mafia he's probably toying with my mind to get back at me.I won't fall for it.

"Thank you for breakfast, I'm going to shower then head out,"I told him

I went upstairs and took a warm bath.I dried my hair and went into the bedroom to put on my clothes that were now missing!

"Looking for this,"Phayu said while holding up my clothes.I walked towards him trying to grab them,"So you wanna leave like that after what you did to me last night? It's not fair."

He walked towards me and I stepped back but he kept going until I fell in his bed.

"What did I do?"I inquired with a confused look.

"You held me so tight, wrapped your legs around me and begged me not to let go,"He said with a soft seductive tone.

"I didn't do that!I don't recall doing that!"I protested.

He moved closer to my face took his thumb and caressed my lips while giving me a thirsty look.He bit his lower lips sexily then sealed my lips with his, kissing at a slow pace while his eyes glanced at me.He went in seeking for my tongue sucking on it passionately.He knows what he's doing to me.He moved to my lower lips and did the same maintaining the eye contacts.He was clearly eye fucking.He let out a soft moan and that was the end of me.

I went all in and started kissing him back but he pulled away giving me my clothes.

"You were heading somewhere right?"He sarcastically asked while a smirk played on his lips.

"Shiyaa! How could I let myself be carried away by him like that!"

I put on my clothes and ran past him coz I was so embarrassed how could I let him do that to me.

"Hold up, I'll walk you out,"I heard him shout,"I'll take you to your car."

Damn! I forgot about that.

I walked towards the garage were I met a man who looked like he was in his middle 40s.

"We changed everything, your tires were worn out, the engine was bad ooh and we sprayed a new layer too, when was the last time you took the car to a garage?It was a mess,"the man said bluntly.

"I was going to take it this weekend,"I lied,"But how am I going to pay for all this?I don't have enough money."

"Please sign here then you can take the car boss took care of the fee,"the man said then handed over some peace of paper then left.

P'Phayu headed towards my direction.

"Why did you pay for my fee?"I asked with a lower tone.

"You already paid with those sexy lips,"he answered while his eyes glared over my lips then bit his lower lip.

Damn why am I so weak for this move.

I took my car and drove away all red on my face.

But this wasn't the fucking plan Rain!

But this wasn't the fucking plan Rain!

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"What was the plan Rain?"

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"What was the plan Rain?"

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