Chapter 3-His Parents

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Phayu's pov

"Venice are you there?"I heard my dad's voice but what are they doing here? They should be on a business trip.

"I'll be downstairs in a minute!"I shouted.

"Your parents?But you told me you stay alone!"Rain asked angrily like he was offended or something,"And who is Venice?"

"Only my dads are allowed to call me that!"I stated firmly.
"Yes!"I replied as I jumped off the bed,"I'll be back."

He has two dads? while I was in my thoughts I felt some hands grab my wrist.

"Let's go I'll introduce you to them, whatever happens don't be scared,"I reassured him coz he looked shocked and worried at the same time.

Rain's pov
My heart started racing so fast,why would he introduce them to me right now.We made our way to the ground floor where I saw two beautiful figures,one was wearing a maroon suit.His face was so pretty and innocent he gave me a warm smile and turned to look at the other one who had a black suit on he looked so serious and cold.For a second I thought he was Mafia.He also had a beautiful face I could see Phayu in him.A family full of good genes how lucky.

Phayu's pov

"I didn't know you would drop by I could have prepared something,"I said while I hugged my dad Pete

"It's okay, we're just passing by,"He replied

"Hello pa how are you,"I said while I reached out to hug my other dad who looked so worn out.

"I'm good my boy, who's your friend?"He asked

"Oh , this's Rain my faculty Junior,Rain my dad's Vegas and Pete,"I said

"Hello, nice to meet you,"I responded politely

"Faculty Junior huh,"Pete said with smile

"Oh, I see,"Vegas said with a smirk.

"Don't do that, you're making him uncomfortable,"I told my dads coz I noticed Rain was feeling uneasy.

I had a chat for a while with my two lovely dads while Rain was doing his project in my room.
They continued to tease me about my"friend"and told me all about their trip but I could see that my dad Vegas was kind of angry like something bad happened.

"Pa, what's bothering you?Did something bad happen in your trip?"

"Everything is okay Venice, don't get worked up I'm fine,"He responded with a forced smile but I could tell he was lying.

"It's nothing to worry about dear your dad is just overreacting,"Pete assured me while he rolled his eyes,"Sorry but we have to get going, we'll be having a family dinner this weekend I'll be waiting for you."

"Please stay over tonight?"I begged
"We can't clearly," Vegas said while he directed his eyes upstairs

"Pa, he's just a friend,"I cried
"Friend Indeed,"Pete said with a naughty smile
I guess they were like this coz they've never seen me bring anybody in my place a part from my best friend,Pai

"Stop teasing me,"I pleaded.

I walked them out and watched them drive off until their car was off sight.I ran back to the house to see what Rain was doing.I opened the door silently to peek my eyes met his beautiful sleeping face.I guess he's tired.I couldn't stop staring at him,my hands caressed his face and gently stroke his hair.

"How can someone be so beautiful while sleeping?"My eyes moved to his lips that were so pink and plumpy,"Damn!I wanna kiss them so bad."

I found myself moving so close to his face but he opened his eyes before I could get any closer before I could say any word he locked his lips with mine and then drifted away so fast then fell asleep again

"Huh, someone's naughty,"I chuckled.

I carried him to bed and tucked him in, I slept beside him but couldn't stop staring at his beautiful face.He moved closer to me and hugged me so tightly.

"How does he expect me to control myself when he keeps doing this!"

"How does he expect me to control myself when he keeps doing this!"

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