Chapter 25-It's All Over

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Rain's pov
After a while Phayu came out of the room with a different set of clothes,his hands were all red seemed like he had been punching something for quite sometime.Around four men were following behind closely.His hair was still down,Why was It down?I took a hair band from my pocket and rushed to tie them up.

"I'm the only one allowed to see you like this P'Phayu!"I whispered behind his ears.

"Okay baby, won't happen again,"He said leaning over.

"Someone's not happy I see,I know someone like that too,"Vegas said chuckling.

I knew right away what he was talking about since he also has a ponytail like P'Phayu and I've never seen them down.I looked over to Pete's side who was smirking right now.I could feel my face turning red,why was I blushing now?

"We're going back to our main house for celebration,wrap it up boys,"He said leaving alongside Vegas.

"What happened in there?Is he dead? What happened to your hands?"I attacked him with questions once again.

"I'm okay but he's dead,"He told me turning back glaring at the direction he appeared from.Guess I have to adapt to this kind of situations.I'm way to deep to go back now.I can't imagine a life without Phayu.

I started feeling dizzy,my eyes were closing up,My legs felt heavy I couldn't move.I felt Phayu's hands lifting me up.Opening my eyes halfway, I could explicitly see that he was shaken.His lips was moving but I couldn't hear a word he was saying.Ponderously my eyes closed  involuntarily.

"Ooouuuchh!! head..?"

"Don't move!"I heard his voice, rushing to help me up he took a pillow from the bed side adjusting it to a comfortable position.I could see two figures seated opposite my direction.

"Was it too much for him?"

"Poor baby..?"I could slightly hear their voices from a distance.

How long have I been out?It was so dark outside.

"Rain, you're awake,"I heard Pete's voice

The two figures rushed towards me, getting closer it was Vegas and Pete.

"How are you feeling?"Vegas inquired,"Sorry we had to expose you to such sights,"He proceeded.

"Noo I'm fine don't worry pa,"I tried to comfort them, clearly it wasn't their fault, I've been having slight fevers recently resulting from my lack of sleep and stress from my school work.The motion just triggered them.

"Manna,call the doctor in,"Pete commanded.

A frail middle aged man with some googles walked in, He checked my impulse, eyes and temperature then prescribed some medicine.

"It's nothing to be worried about,he just needs rest.Here this will help him recover faster,"He said handing over the piece of paper to Pete.Phayu was still holding onto me gently.He was so blue.Dads excused themselves accompanying the doctor to seek further information.

"I'm sorry Rain,"He said.

"It's nobody's fault but mine, I've been having this random fevers since last week coz I can't rest well, I'm preparing for the upcoming project,"I said

"Why didn't you tell me, I could've been there for you.What if something had happened and no one was around?"

"It won't happen again,I promise,"I responded lowering my head down.

"How long did I pass out?"

"Around four hours."

"What about the party?"

"Pa postponed it to weekend,"


"Rain,You don't see your condition? who dares celebrate when you're like this!"He remarked,"You should eat something before taking the medication, Lemme call the chef,"He said retrieving his phone from his pocket and made the call

I fell back to sleep in his arms once again.It felt safe, surrounded by people who cared for me genuinely.Can we stay like this forever?

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