Chapter 15-Stay In Your Lane

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I  was so restless.Rain must be so scared and terrified right now.I heard car brakes and I new right away that it was my dads

"Hey son, take it easy we got you,"Pete said.

"I've inquired about it, I know where they've taken Rain.I've sent our boys to go for them,"Vegas said .

"I wanna go too pa,"

"Calm down Venice,"He said,"You'll have him soon."

"Okay Let's go inside,"Pete said.

After 20 minutes my dad received a call that the rescue mission was successful and they have Rain and the hostages at our downtown safe house.

"Let's go,"He said.I got up swiftly and we headed out.

We arrived there and my eyes were busy looking for Rain.

"P'Phayu!"I heard his voice from behind before I could turn around I felt his small hands around my waist

"It was so scary...I thought I was gonna die and never see you again,"He said crying.My heart sunk so deep.His words were like thorns piercing through my heart.I turned around and saw Rain's side head had blood.My blood boiled so bad.

"Where is that bastard?"

"In the basement,"Pete replied.

"You know what to do right?"Vegas said.

"What are you going to do? And who were those men who rescued me?Who....,"Pete dragged him away before he could finish his questions.

"Lemme take you somewhere nice so that you can freshen up and relax, you've had a long day,"Pete assured him

I descended down to the basement.

"Heeeey Ve...nice....I wasn't going to hurt him.. "Nannat pleaded,"I was just trying to pass a message.I wasn't gonna hurt him."

"What did I tell you,,,no what?"I said while putting on the iron rings and a plastic apron cover,"What do we have here."I pulled out the tool box that carried torture weapons.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it I just wanted to scare your dads... I..."I punched his stomach so hard with the steel cutter before he could utter the next  word.

"Have you ever heard or seen my dads scared of anybody?”


I punched him all over his body til he passed out.I ordered some men to bring cold water and poured it over him.He gained consciousness and continued begging for mercy.I took the cutter and placed his pinky finger on the table then cut it.

I enjoyed seeing him scream so loud.I punched him again over and over again until he passed out again.

I went upstairs and my dad Vegas was still there.

"Are you satisfied son?"

"Yes,why can't I kill him pa?"

"If we kill him here,war will rise in Sarasota  territory, we've not taken over the area completely,once we do that he's all yours."

"Okay pa,"I said with a gloomy face,"Can you and dad stay over for the weekend? Please dad"

"Anything for you Venice,"He said with a soft voice.

We got home and dad was busy cooking in the kitchen.

"Where's Rain?"He's resting upstairs.

I made my way upstairs.He was curled up in the bed and was peacefully sleeping.I joined him and spooned him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you baby,"I whispered.

He turned over and moved closer to my chest.He continued sleeping.I gave him a light kiss then went back down to my dads.

Love In The Rain X VegasPete Where stories live. Discover now