Chapter 8

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Porsche Pov

Porsche wake up slowly and go towards the bathroom and take a shower... 10 minutes later.. Porsche get out from the bathroom and wear his outfit.. Porsche cover Vegas with the blanket and write something on the sticky note and stick it on the table.. Porsche then go down and leave the house... Kinn...who is already waiting inside of the car... Slowly follow Porsche from behind.. Porsche then arrive at the supermarket and get down from the car and walk inside... Kinn smirk then  park his car and then get down from the car and follow Porsche.. Porsche is looking for an ingredients.. Porsche didn't notice Kinn is coming towards him.. Porsche then accidentally bump into Kinn and see him.. Porsche feel shock as he see Kinn is right in front of him.. Porsche is about to run away from Kinn.. But Kinn is quicker.. Kinn drag Porsche out of the supermarket and about to push him.. Suddenly Kim appear and punch Kinn and hold Porsche hands tight and take Porsche away with him.. Porsche then ask.. Where are we going Khun Kim? Kim then say... Go back to my house.. If Kinn knows Im taking you back to Vegas house.. He will kidnap you again.. He want to seek a revenge on you Porsche.. Because you choose Vegas.. Vegas is Kinn biggest enemy.. He really hate to see you both together.. Porsche then ask again.. What about Vegas car... Kim smile then reply.. I will call Vegas after we arrive at my house na.. Lets go.. Kim then drive away to his house.. Kinn then get into his car and hit the steering wheel and yell... Damn you Kim! How dare you ruin my plan huh? Kinn then say.. Never mind... I will think about another plan to kidnap Porsche.. Kinn then drive back to main family house..

Vegas Pov..

Vegas wake up and see Porsche isn't with him.. Vegas then see a note and read it silently.. Going out to buy some stuff.. Will be right back.. Vegas then quickly take a shower.. 10 minutes later.. Vegas go down and see his car is gone as well.. Vegas starts up the engine and starts to ride his bike and go to main family house... A few minutes later.. Vegas arrives at main family house and see Khun with his bodyguard and notice Kim isn't with them.. Vegas then run towards Khun and ask.. Ei Khun.. Did Porsche come here just now? Khun shake his head and say.. I haven't seen Porsche yet... We want to go and visit you both.. But Pol said.. We should give you both a time to spend together... What wrong Vegas? Suddenly Vegas phone ring and see Kim name on it.. Vegas then pick up the phone and say.. Hello Kim.. Vegas turn on the loud speaker.. Khun then reply.. Kim.. Vegas is at our house right now.. He is looking for Porsche.. Porsche then speak up.. Sweetheart.. Vegas.. its me.. Vegas and others feel shock as they hear Porsche voice.. Vegas then ask.. Baby! Are you ok?! What happened? Where are you now? Kim then reply.. Don't worry.. I will take Porsche to my house now.. My house is quite secure.. Kinn cant come in.. Just now I saw Kinn is about to kidnap Porsche.. I already have a bad feelings.. So.. I try to hack about Porsche positions and then I see Kinn also follow him around... I go to the supermarket to save Porsche and Porsche is with me right now... If you see Kinn.. Don't do anything.. The more you fight him.. Porsche life will be in danger Vegas.. Arm then look at Pol with worry and say.. Khun Kim.. Khun Kinn is already here! Kim then reply.. We will talk later.. Kim quickly hung up the phone.. Vegas look at Kinn with an anger and say.. Kinn.. Please leave Porsche alone.. Stop disturbing him! Khun hold Vegas tight and say.. Vegas is right Kinn.. Porsche is no longer your bodyguard.. Leave him alone! Kinn then say... Fine.. If i see him again.. I will torture him... Kinn roll his eyes and walk away.. Vegas holds his chest and try to calm himself down.. Khun then reply.. Porsche will be safe.. Trust me na.. Vegas then say.. I will wait for him at home.. Vegas then leave the main house..

At Kim house..

Kim and Porsche arrives at Kim house.. Porsche feel shock as he see Kim big house... Kim then say.. Come on.. Lets go inside na.. Kim then help Porsche to come out and take him to go into the house.. Porsche feel excited as he see the piano.. Porsche run towards the piano and try to play it.. Kim then laugh and say.. Nope! Wrong tunes! Porsche then say.. Please Khun Kim! Please teach me na! Please! Kim shake his head and smile then reply.. Ok... I will.. Kim then hold Porsche hands and teach him how to play.. Porsche then try to press the key.. Kim smile and kiss Porsche cheek and say.. Good.. Its really good.. Let me play a song for you.. Kim then starts to play.. Why Don't You Stay song... Porsche stare at Kim without even blinking... Kim who is finish.. Notice Porsche is still staring at him.. Kim snap his fingers in front of Porsche face and tease.. No need to stare too much.. You will be drooling later... Porsche cover his face and say.. Im truly sorry na Khun Kim... I.. I didn't mean to do it! Kim laugh and say.. Its OK na.. Just.. Next time.. If you want to go somewhere.. Please.. Don't go alone.. Its really dangerous.. Kinn really hate Vegas because you both are getting closer.. I guess.. You are Vegas partner now? Porsche then nod and say.. I think.. I will be a burden to Khun Vegas.. Kim then ask.. Porsche.. If I want to be your guardian angel.. Will you allow it? Porsche then smile and ask.. Why not? Kim hug Porsche slowly and ask again.. The wound.. Is getting better? Porsche smile and nod.. Kim then breath out of relief.. Porsche then say.. Khun Kim.. I really need to go back now na..Khun Vegas must be worried about me.. Kim then nod and reply.. I will send you back to the supermarket.. We will buy a stuff together.. Let's go.. Both of them go back to supermarket to buy some stuff... 10 minutes later.. Porsche arrive at Vegas house..

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