Chapter 18

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Kim Pov..

Kim and Porsche arrives at Vegas house.. Porsche then say.. Thank you so much for today Kim.. Im truly appreciated it na krub.. Porsche bow his head and kiss Kim cheek.. Kim then kiss Porsche deeply and say.. I love you sweetheart.. Be careful na.. Off you go now.. Porsche then reply.. Kim.. I thought you going to stay here.. Kim shake his head and say.. I will get busy by tomorrow.. I will try to come here and visit.. If anything.. Call me or just go to main family house.. If you see a stranger.. Do not open the door.. Unless its me or Khun noo.. Understand baby? Porsche kiss Kim once again and nod.. Kim then kiss Porsche deeply again and say.. I can't let you go Porsche.. Not this time.. Allow me to be selfish.. So that I can protect you.. Porsche then reply.. Please Kim.. Please don't say that na.. You and Vegas are really important for me... I can't even imagine my life without you both.. Kim kiss Porsche belly and say.. Uncle need to go back now.. Don't bully mommy ok.. Always listen to mommy.. Daddy Vegas will come back soon.. Please help uncle to take care of mommy ok? Uncle will come here and visit you and mommy.. Porsche smile softly and say.. I will go inside now.. Take care of your self na.. Kim nod and smile.. Porsche then wave at Kim as Kim starts to drive back to his house.. Porsche is about to open the gate and see another flower.. Kinn is watching Porsche from the inside of the car and say.. Come on.. Take it! Porsche then take it and read the card.. You will be mine Porsche - Anonymous.. Porsche then gasp and throw away the flower.. And quickly go into the house.. Porsche hold his chest and try to breath properly.. Porsche phone suddenly ring and see Vegas name.. Porsche quickly pick up the phone and say.. Baby... Vegas then say.. Sweetheart.. What's wrong?! Are you ok?! Is our baby ok?! Porsche! Porsche then say.. Im fine... Don't worry.. Don't worry about me na... Just.. Just focus on the work.. Vegas then reply.. Honey.. How am I going to focus? I keep thinking about you na.. Porsche then reply.. Im fine.. Kim already went back just now.. Vegas then say.. Baby.. Its already night here in Italy.. I need to sleep.. Tomorrow.. Me and Pa have a client to meet.. Take care of your self na baby.. Goodnight na.. Porsche then reply.. Have a rest na.. Goodnight.. Porsche then hung up on the phone.. Porsche then walk towards the kitchen and make a milk..
Suddenly.. There's a door bell rings... Porsche starts to feel nervous and ignore it.. Another bell rings coming.. Porsche then walk slowly towards the door and open it.. Porsche then see Kinn.. Porsche feel shock and quickly close the door... Porsche feel shock as he see Kinn is already open the sliding door... Porsche then ask.. What do you want from me Kinn?! Kinn smirk and say.. YOU.. I WANT YOU.. Porsche then reply.. Please.. Don't.. Porsche is about to run away but Kinn quickly hug Porsche from behind and rub his belly gently and say.. That is our baby Porsche.. I touched you first before Vegas.. So... Come back to me and I will take care of you and our baby.. Kinn start to lick and kiss Porsche neck.. Porsche then say.. Don't do this Kinn.. You already tortured me... Forget about me.. Pretend we never know each other... You deserve better.... Im just a stranger in your life.... Porsche then about to let Kinn go.. Suddenly.. Kinn feel someone pull him from behind.. Porsche feel shock as he see Vegas punch Kinn.. Porsche then say.. V.. Vegas.. Vegas keep punching Kinn and yell.. That baby isn't yours your bastard! Get your fucking ass out from my house!! Kinn smirk and say.. Porsche will be mine you lunatic.. Just wait.. Kinn wink at Porsche and leave Vegas house.. Porsche trembling and tears starts to fall on his face.. Vegas quickly hug Porsche and rub his back and say.. Baby.. Its OK.. Shhh... You are fine now... Im here.. Im here with you and our baby na.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and hug him tight.. Porsche then say.. Its almost night... Are you hungry hmm? Porsche stroke Vegas cheek gently... Vegas then smile and pull Porsche towards their room and make him sit on the bed... Vegas then say.. Pa ask me to return... Because.. Pa also have a bad feelings about you.. Porsche hug Vegas tight and say.. I really miss you even Im spending a time with Khun Kim just now.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and reply.. You are my wife Porsche.. You is more important than a work.. We just arrived at the airport.. Pa suddenly asked me to return back home and check on you.. And.. Vegas touch Porsche lips gently and ask.. How many times.. Kim kissed you hmm? Porsche hug Vegas and say.. I didn't count either.. Vegas chuckle and rub Porsche belly and ask again.. What did Dr say about our baby?Porsche then reply.. Our baby are fine.. I still can't move around too much.. Vegas then say.. Let's go and sleep now ok.. Its getting late.. And.. Pa send his regards to you and his little grandchild.. Porsche smile softly and say.. Please send my regards back to him na... Vegas then help Porsche to lay down on the bed and sleep together..

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