Chapter 22

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Next morning at the hospital

Kim pov

Kim slowly open his eyes and look around.. Kim hold his head then walk away slowly to the bathroom and clean himself.. 5 minutes later.. Kim come out and wear a new outfit and hold his head.. Suddenly.. A door open.. Khun feel shock as he see Kim already get dressed.. Kim then say... I want to home now... Khun then say.... Kim... Kim then walk away and leave the hospital.. Khun shake his head and follow Kim..

At Kinn condo..

Kinn is enjoying the view.. Ken suddenly come in and say.. Khun Kinn.. Khun Kim already leave the hospital.. Kinn then say.. Let him be.. He always get into my way... I just want to focus on Porsche now.. Kinn smirk and reply.. Leave me alone Ken.. Ken then leave Kinn by himself..

At Vegas house..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche is sit on the swing and day dreaming... Porsche then rub his belly and say... Baby....mommy really worry about Kim... What should mommy do? A sudden voice appear...stop daydreaming and stop crying.. Porsche feel shock he hear Kim voice.. Kim and Khun then sit with Porsche... Vegas then join them and ask.. Baby..what are you doing out here hmm? Vegas then kiss Porsche head and shock to see Kim.. Vegas then ask.. Ai.. Kim.. What are you doing here huh? You should rest at the hospital.. Khun then reply.. Im just about to say a sameg thing Vegas.. Aish.. This kiddo never listen.. Porsche then ask.. Are you ok Khun Kim? Kim kiss Porsche cheek and say.. I feel better after I see you.. Porsche then say.. I already prepared a breakfast.. Go and eat na... I need a time for myself... Porsche then say.. Baby.. I will go back to my house.. Vegas then reply.. Im coming with you baby... Its dangerous outside.. Porsche then sigh slowly and sit down again.. Kim then say.. Baby..are you ok hmm? Vegas then go inside and take a milk and vitamin then give it to Porsche.. Porsche then take it and drink a milk and eat the vitamins.. Vegas then say.. Baby.. You can't be too stress na..Porsche then reply.. Im sorry na...Suddenly.. There's a door bell rings.. Porsche then walk towards the gate and see no one.. Porsche suddenly got inject by Kinn.. Kinn then drag Porsche towards his car and drive away..Vegas then yell.. Porsche!! Kim then say.. We need to go now! Let's go to main family house.. Khun then reply... I will ask Arm to check.. Let's go! Vegas Kim and Khun go to main family house..

2 hours later..

Kinn arrive at his private villa.. Kinn then carry Porsche and take him into the house and put him on the bed and handcuffs him up.. Kinn then stroke Porsche head gently and kiss his forehead and sit beside Porsche.. 5 minutes later.. Porsche wake up slowly and see Kinn sitting beside him.. Porsche also notice there's a handcuffs on him.. Porsche then say.. Please send me back Kinn.. I didn't want to stay here... Kinn smirk and say.. No way Porsche.. This place is really private... No one will come here.. Its just both of us here.. Kinn then trace Porsche face and go down to his lips and kiss it gently.. Porsche then say.. Im no longer yours.. No.. I never belong to you Kinn... Kinn put his finger on Porsche lips and say... Shh.. Don't say that baby.. Kinn then release the handcuffs and help Porsche to lay down.. Porsche then feel sleepy and say.. I want to sleep... Kinn pull Porsche towards him and pat him.. Porsche hide his face towards Kinn and sleep soundly.. Kinn then kiss Porsche forehead while Kinn hand rub Porsche belly..Kinn then kiss Porsche forehead and sleep with him..

Meanwhile at main family house..

Khun Vegas and Kim arrives at the house and run into the house.. Khun then shout.. Arm!! Arm!! Where are you?! Arm Pol and Pete run towards Khun and reply while panting.. Yes.. Khun noo... Kim then reply.. Arm.. Please help us! Pete then say.. Please.. Calm down guys... Tell us what happen?Vegas then say.. Porsche got kidnap by Kinn just now.. I saw Kinn inject something to Porsche then he dragged Porsche away.. Please Arm... Porsche life is in danger right now! Kim rub Vegas shoulder and say.. We will find him.. Don't worry.. Arm then take out his phone and try to check Kinn and Porsche positions but fail.. Arm then reply.. You guys wait here.. Kim then reply back.. No way! Just bring that damn computer to us! Pol then say.. Khun Kim... Please calm down na... Vegas then shake Pol body and ask.. How the hell we can calm down?!!! Porsche is my wife!! And my wife now is in danger!! Arm then return to them and say... I also can't check their position through the computer Khun noo... Im truly sorry... Arm quickly avoid his gaze from 3 man....Pete then ask.. Now.. What should we do.... Im not really good in tracking people.. Big then show up and ask.. Whats going on here? Pete then reply... Porsche got kidnap by Khun Kinn... Big then yell.. What?!! How could this thing happen?! Pol then reply.. Ai Big... No need to shout.... Arm then hug Pol and say... Pol.... Pol stroke Arm cheek and say.. Its OK love.. We will find him..Vegas cry as he kneel on the floor... Kim then say.. Vegas... Don't be like this na.. I already told you.. Let Kinn play some games first.. Khun then reply.. Please Kim.. Don't make a thing become more worse.. Look at Vegas.. Vegas then cry and kneel on the floor... Khun then rub Vegas shoulders and pull him to get up then hug him and say.. Don't cry na.. Lets pray for Porsche.. Vegas then try to calm himself down and pray for his beloved wife..

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