Chapter 35

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At Kinn mansion..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche is still sleeping... Then.. Theres a door open.. Porsche slowly open his eyes and see someone is standing at the door and looking at Porsche with a worry look.. Porsche then try to sit up slowly.. Then an old woman come towards Porsche and sit beside him and smile softly.. Porsche then say.. Hello... Im Porsche Kittisawat... Im Mr Vegas Theerapanyakul wife.. That woman feel shock then notice her husband is coming towards her and Porsche.. Then the old man reply... Are you Mr Vegas wife? Porsche then reply.. Yes.. I am.. Then..the old woman touch Porsche belly and say... You already 5 months pregnant... This baby.. Will bring a happiness for you and Mr Vegas.. Then.. The old man reply.. Actually.. We already considered Mr Vegas as our own child.. We knew him since he was kid.. His father.. Mr Karn.. hired us to take care of him when he was a kid... But.. When Mr Vegas starts to grow up... Mr Karn asked us to leave Mr Vegas.. So that Mr Karn can take care of Mr Vegas.. Porsche rub his belly softly and say.. Please.. I need to get out of here.. Vegas must be waiting for me.. Then.. The old man reply... Khun Kinn won't allow it.. But.. You can use this.. The old man then give his phone to Porsche.. Porsche then say... I need to call Vegas now... Porsche then dial Vegas number and wait for Vegas to pick up.. Vegas then say.. Hello... Who is this.. Porsche then say.. Baby! Its me.. Vegas then reply back.. Baby!! Where are you now hmm... Please.. I really miss you right now... Tell me.. Where are you.. Porsche then say.. Im at the mansion.. I will share a location with you.. Porsche then hung up and share a location to Vegas..

Vegas pov..

Vegas then receive a message from Porsche and quickly go to Kinn mansion.... 20 minutes later.. Vegas arrives and see Kinn mansion is surrounded by a bodyguards.. Porsche then come out with the old man and old woman.. Vegas then shoot the bodyguards and quickly hug Porsche.. Porsche then kiss Vegas and say.. Baby... I really miss you! Kinn suddenly appear and pull Porsche away and say.. Porsche is mine bastard! Vegas then pull Porsche away from Kinn and punch Kinn twice then reply.. He is mine your dumbass!! Stay away from him! Vegas then kick Kinn stomach and take Porsche away with him.. Porsche feel shock as he hears a gun shot... Porsche turn around and see the old man and old woman got shoot by Kinn.. Porsche then yell!! No! Vegas then pull Porsche and say.. No.. We can't save them sweetheart.. You are more important.. I know them long ago.. Let's go back to main family house.. Khun and others are worried about you.. Vegas then take Porsche to main family house..

At main family house..

Khun Pete Arm and Pol are waiting at the living room... Khun then reply.. Im really worried about my little Porsche! Aish.. Kinn.. If I see him... I will smack his face.. Pete then rub Khun shoulders and say.. Porsche will be fine.. He is strong Khun noo..Arm then reply.. Pete is right Khun noo...Pol then see Vegas car and say.. Khun noo.. That is Vegas car.. Let's go! Khun then run outside and see Vegas come out from the car.. Khun then ask.. Vegas... How is it? Vegas smile and open the car door.. Vegas then help Porsche to come out from the car.. Khun and Pete quickly hug Porsche and say.. Godness Porsche!! Arm then Pol also rush towards Porsche and hug him tight.. Porsche then say.. Hello everyone.. Khun then hug Porsche and rub his belly softly and smile.. Vegas then say... Porsche is safe now.. But.. We still need to be careful about Kinn... Pol then reply.. Aish.. Khun Kinn.. When he is going to stop doing this all shit? Is he didn't tired at all? Vegas then say.. Guys.. We need to go to the hospital.. Porsche need to do a medical check up.. And.. We also need to visit Kim.. Khun then nod and reply.. Please be careful na.. If anything.. Please.. Call us.. Vegas then nod and take Porsche to the hospital...

10 minutes later.. Vegas and Porsche arrive at the hospital.. Vegas then help Porsche to come out from the car and take him to go inside the hospital.. Dr Alice then see Porsche with Vegas and say.. Hello.. Porsche.. Come with me na.. We need to do a medical check up on you.. Vegas hold Porsche hand and walk towards the medical check up room.. Vegas then help Porsche to lay down on the bed.. Dr  Alice then put a gel on Porsche belly and start to move a scanner... Vegas kiss Porsche hand and hold it while looking at the monitor.. Dr Alice then say.. Porsche.. Your pregnancy is already 5 months now.. The baby are healthy.. Its a baby boy.. Look at the monitor.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and say...its our little Prince.. Dr Alice then say.. Just.. Please take care of your self na.. Suddenly.. Dr Alice see another doctor run.. Dr Alice say.. Im sorry.. I need to go to check on Khun Kim... Porsche and Vegas look at each other and say.. No.. Vegas hug Porsche tight and say.. Its OK sweetheart.. Im here.. Porsche then say.. No.. Baby.. Please.. I need to go and see him.. Now... Vegas then nod and take Porsche to Kim ward... Dr Alice then say.. The doctor still check on him... Hopefully.. Everything will be alright.. Then.. The doctor come out and say.. We need to find a donor quickly.. Or else... Khun Kim wont be able to survive... Porsche then remember about Kinn words... Vegas then say.. Baby... Its time to go home.. The doctor then say.. I already give him a med.. Tomorrow.. He must do a chemo... His condition is getting weaker.. But...our team will try the best to help Khun Kim.. Porsche then say.. Please.. I beg you.. Please find a donor.. Vegas rub Porsche belly and say.. Let's go back sweetheart.. Vegas then take Porsche and go home..

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