Chapter 27

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2 hours later...

Porsche wake up slowly and see Vegas is still sleeping soundly.. Porsche smile softly and trace Vegas face.. Porsche then touch Vegas lips softly and about to kiss him.. Vegas then open his eyes.. Porsche feel shock and immediately pull his face away from Vegas and about to get up.. Vegas then pull Porsche towards him and put Porsche head on his chest then start to play with his ears.. Porsche close his eyes and say.. Baby.. I need to wake up now... Vegas then rub Porsche belly and say 3 months already... Porsche kiss Vegas lips softly and say... You are so warm sweetheart... Vegas then touch Porsche forehead and say... Your fever already start to get mild... Porsche fall asleep again... Vegas then put Porsche on the bed and go to the bathroom and pour a hot water into the bathtub.. Vegas then add a cold water and pour some shampoo in it.. Porsche then wake up and rub his belly softly and say... Im so hungry... Vegas then come out from the bathroom and say.. Let's have a warm bath ok? Porsche then say... Daddy.. Baby is hungry na.. Vegas chuckle and say.. Ok.. Daddy will cook for you later na.. Now.. Let's have a bath first ok.. Porsche then nod and walk slowly as Vegas support Porsche by holding his waist.. Both of them take out their clothes and get into the bathtub and have a warm bath.. Porsche then need to work again tomorrow... Vegas rub Porsche belly and say.. Yes sweetheart.. I need to go.. Please.. Please take care of your self na... Then.. Both of them come out from the bathroom and wear their pyjamas.... Vegas then take Porsche to the kitchen and start to cook while Porsche make a milk and prepare a vitamins.. Suddenly.. There's a door bell rings.. Vegas then say.. I will open it.. I think it must be Kim.. Vegas then walk towards the door and open it then see Kim with a plastic bags.. Kim then say.. Please give this plastic bag to Porsche... Kim then cough and say..
I need to go now... Please send my regards to him ok.. Vegas then notice something wrong with Kim.. Porsche then appear and ask.. Kim.. Why are you standing outside? Kim then cough again and again.. Kim feel shock as he see a blood on his palm.. Vegas and Porsche also feel shock.. Vegas then hold Kim and say.. We need to take you to the hospital! Baby! Lets go! Vegas and Porsche quickly take Kim to the hospital and let the doctor check on him... Vegas hold Porsche hand tight and hug him.. Porsche hide his face towards Vegas.. The doctor come out from the ward and say.. Mr Kim family? Vegas and Porsche get up and look at the doctor.. Vegas then reply.. We are his family.. What happen to Kim? The doctor then reply... Mr Kim is diagnosed with a liver cancer.. 1st stage... We will give him a medicine.. He also need to do a chemotherapy... And.. At the same time.. We need to find him a donor... Right now.. He is resting... Vegas then go inside and visit him.. While Porsche is sitting down then cry... Dr Alice see Porsche is crying and walk towards him and say.. Nong Porsche? Porsche then see Dr Alice and cry even more... Alice then ask.. What's wrong hmm? Porsche sobbing and reply.. Kim.. Kim is having a liver cancer... Alice then hug him and say... Shh... Its OK sweetheart... Porsche then say.. Please.. I want to donor my organ to him... Vegas then say.. No Porsche.. Porsche then say... No... Please... I won't let him die... Don't stop me.. Porsche then walk away but got pull by Vegas and hug him tight.. Vegas then stroke Porsche head and say... Shhh... Its OK na.. Im here for you.. Vegas then say.. Should I donor my organ to Kim? Kim then reply... Im fine... While walking towards Vegas and Porsche.. Kim then say... I need to go back now... Vegas then say... We need to go to main family house now.. They must know... That asshole Kinn also need to know.. Let's go.. Vegas then take Porsche and drive away to main family house...

At main family house..

Khun is playing a chess with his bodyguard.. Porsche appear and run towards Pete and hug him tight and say... Pete.... Khun Arm and Pol is shock to see Porsche crying all of a sudden.. Vegas then say... Baby... Stop.. Don't cry na.. Vegas then take Porsche to him and hug him then kiss his forehead... Khun then ask.. What's wrong hmm? Vegas take a deep breath and say.. Kim is having a liver cancer 1st stage... Pete and Arm reply.. What?! Pol fall silent and hug Arm.. Korn then reply.. What did you say? Kim... P Chan hold Mr Korn and take him to the room and let Mr Korn to rest.. Vegas then ask... Where the hell is Kinn? Kinn then appear and ask.. What kind of drama is this? Porsche then go towards Kinn and slap his face.. Vegas Khun Arm and Pol feel shock as they see Kinn got slap by Porsche.. Kinn then push Porsche away and ask.. What the hell is wrong with you huh?! Porsche slap Kinn again and ask.. Where the fucking hell have you been?! Kim is having a cancer! Kinn then push Porsche away and say.. None of my business! Porsche then kick Kinn legs and strangle him.. Vegas then yell.. Porsche!! Porsche strangle Kinn and say.. Save Kim life.. Or you will die! Porsche throw Kinn on the floor and walk away... Arm Pol Pete and Khun suddenly feel afraid by Porsche sudden behaviour... Porsche then take a taxi and go to the hospital.. Vegas then drive away and start to catch up for Porsche.. Porsche then arrive at the hospital and quickly look for the doctors and see him.. The doctor then noticed Porsche is running towards him then reply.. Porsche.. Porsche.. Please.. Stop running! Porsche then say.. Please.. Just take my organ instead! I beg you! The doctor then shake his head and say.. No... You are pregnant.. Its dangerous.. Please think about the baby na... Kim already go home just now... Vegas then arrive and run towards Porsche and hold him tight in his arms... Porsche then say.. Please... I want to give my organ.... Vegas then say.. Porsche.. Please.. Don't do this to our baby... Dr Alice then say... Your husband is right.. You are pregnant.. You can't do this na.. You both should go home and have a rest.. Its almost evening.. Vegas then say.. Baby.. Let's go home na... Porsche cry again and go home with Vegas..

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