Chapter 16

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Vegas hug Porsche from behind and start to kiss him wildly.. Porsche hug Vegas neck and wrap his legs around Vegas waist and look at Vegas.. Vegas then push Porsche towards the wall slowly and say.. You look so sexy sweetheart.. Moan for me na.. Porsche then say.. Mmmhh.. My husband.. Vegas thrust Porsche slowly and deeper.. Vegas then say.. You are mine Porsche.. Only my one and only one.. Porsche nod and moan more... Mmmhh.. Baby.. Vegas thrust Porsche again and again then release it inside him.. Vegas rub Porsche belly and say.. Its still tiny.. Porsche smile softly and hug Vegas and sit in the bathtub.. Vegas then kiss Porsche shoulder and look at him..Porsche then lean his head towards Vegas and say.. Baby.. Please don't leave me alone.. Vegas then say.. I also didn't want to go baby.. But.. I must.. I promise.. I will return as soon as possible na.. 10 minutes later.. Both of them then come out from the bathroom and wear the pyjama... Vegas then say.. Sleep first baby.. I need to pack my stuff.. Porsche smile softly and nod. Vegas then start to pack his stuff.. Porsche tears fall out as he sleep.. Vegas then lay down on the bed and hug Porsche from behind and sleep as well..

Next morning..

Porsche wake up slowly and walk towards the bathroom and take a shower.. Porsche tears fall again as he shower.. Porsche wipe his tears roughly and continue shower.. A few minutes later.. Vegas then wake up and tidy up the room and go down to make a breakfast... Suddenly.. There's a door bell rings.. Vegas then walk towards the door and see his Pa.. Vegas then say.. Please come inside Pa.. Porsche is taking a shower.. Karn smile then come inside.. Vegas then serve the tea on the table for Karn.. Karn then reply.. How is my son in law doing? Vegas sigh slowly and say.. He feel really sad Pa... Karn then reply.. We will return as soon as possible.. 5 minutes later.. Porsche come down and see Karn.. Porsche then bow and say.. Good morning Pa.. Porsche then prepare for the breakfast and say.. Baby.. Go and take a shower.. Porsche then continue to make a breakfast for Vegas and Karn... Karn then reply.. Porsche.. You must take a lot of rest na... Porsche nod and serve the food on the table.. Porsche then make a milk and prepare a vitamins for himself.. 10 minutes later.. Vegas come down with his bag pack and sit beside his Pa then eat slowly while looking at Porsche.. Vegas starts to feel guilty towards his beloved wife.. Karn then reply.. I will wait outside na.. Karn then pat Vegas shoulder and wait outside... A few minutes later.. Vegas get up and wash the plate and cups.. Porsche then say.. Sweetheart.. Please be careful going to miss you.. Vegas rub Porsche belly and kiss it gently then reply.. If you need any help.. Go to main family house na.. If Kim have a free time.. He will come here and stay with you.. Please listen to Kim ok... I need to go now.. I love you my wife.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and lips then leave the house... Porsche start to cry in silence and go out to take some fresh air.. 5 minutes later... Kim arrives and climb up the gate and see Porsche is crying.. Kim then sigh slowly and walk towards Porsche and sit beside him and say.. Porsche.. Hey.. Sweetheart.. Porsche hug Kim and cry then say.. Vegas just left.. Kim then reply.. I know baby.. Kim slowly lift up Porsche chin and kiss him slowly and hug him.. Porsche hide his face towards Kim chest as Kim stroke Porsche head gently and say.. Now.. Lets go inside ok.. Porsche is about to walk away then.. Suddenly there's a bell rings.. Porsche and Kim look at each other.. Porsche then walk towards the gate follow by Kim behind him.. Kim then see a flower on the ground and noticed there's no one outside.. Porsche then pick up the flower and see a card then read it.. Hello Mr Porsche.. I hope you will be fine by your own.. Take care - Anonymous.. Kim then throw the flowers inside the trash can and say.. If you see this flower again.. Porsche.. Please don't take it.. It might be from a stranger... Now.. Let's go inside.. Both of them go inside..

20 minutes later... Vegas and Karn arrive at the airport.. Vegas then walk into the airport and buy 2 tickets and wait at the waiting area.. Vegas then take out his phone and call Porsche.. Vegas then say...hello baby? Porsche then say.. Sweetheart! How are you doing hmm? I really miss you! Vegas chuckle and say... I feel like I want to go home right now.. But I can't.. I promise.. I will return as soon as possible na.. Porsche then reply.. Don't worry.. Khun Kim is here with me na.. Vegas then say.. Baby.. I need to speak to Kim before I leave.. Porsche then pass the phone to Kim.. Kim then say.. Vegas.. It doesn't matter how long you going to start there.. Once you finish your work.. Please come back here ok... Please take care of your self.. About Porsche.. Don't worry.. If I want to take him to my house.. Then.. I will.. You even didn't hire a bodyguard.. You are crazy Vegas! Vegas then say.. Please take care of Porsche for me Kim.. I put my trust in you.. Kim nod and reply.. Just be careful.. If anything.. Call me or Porsche.. Take care.. Bye.. Kim then hung up the phone and pass back the phone to Porsche.. Kim stomach suddenly growling and say.. Ooops... It seems... Im hungry... Porsche then chuckle and say.. Its OK.. Lets cook na.. Kim shake his head and say.. Lets eat outside today..Porsche nod and follow Kim towards the car.. Kim then drive away to western restaurant..

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