Chapter 9

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Porsche go into the house and see Vegas is already waiting for him.. Porsche then sense Vegas worry and anger expression on his face..Porsche then walk past infront of Vegas.. Vegas then say.. Porsche.. Porsche feel shock and immediately stop walking.. Vegas then throw the stuff on the sofa and drag Porsche towards their room and lock the door... Porsche walk backwards until he gets fall on the bed... Vegas look at him and ask... Why you go out without my permission hmm? Porsche touch their foreheads and say.. Im truly sorry na... Im sorry for make you worry about me... Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and say... Im really worried about you sweetheart.. What if Kinn kidnap and torture you again hmm? Luckily Kim found you first.. Porsche hug Vegas tightly and say.. I think..we should live saperately... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and take off his pants and thrust him slowly... Porsche quickly hug Vegas neck and close his eyes as he feels more pleasure coming... Vegas then say.. This is your punishment baby... Moan for me na... Porsche then moan.. Mmmhh.. Baby... Please forgive me... Vegas thrust Porsche again and again then release it inside Porsche.. Porsche then put his head on Vegas chest and close his eyes.. Vegas then cover them with a blanket and say... I will cook for us later... Now.. Let's sleep first na.. Porsche then ask... Sweetheart.. Vegas then reply.. Hmm? Yes sweetheart.. What is it? Vegas play with Porsche hair gently... Porsche then ask again.. How you can be close to Khun Noo and Khun Kim then Kinn? Vegas then reply.. Well.. I usually came to main family house often.. When we were kids.. We always played together.. Kinn usually not like that before.. Not until Mr Korn praised me infront of him saying that.. I'm really good.. Perfect.. Kinn really hate that.. He considered me as one of his enemy since then... Porsche then trace Vegas lips and say... I think.. We will better stay like this.. Without involving any marriage... Because I know your dad wont allow us to be together like this..Vegas then say.. I will meet my dad tomorrow.. Porsche then reply.. I will go back to my house.. Vegas then kiss Porsche forehead and say.. No need.. Just stay here na.. Porsche hug Vegas and sleep..

At main family house..

Khun then go into Kinn room and say.. Please stay away from Porsche Kinn.. He is no longer yours.. Kinn then say.. No need to interfere... Leave my room now Khun.. Khun shake his head and leave..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche wake up slowly and feel dizzy.. Vegas then wake up and see Porsche face turn bit pale and ask.. Sweetheart.. Are you ok? Porsche then say.. Im fine... Just a bit dizzy.. Maybe because of the weather na.. Lets go to the kitchen and cook shall we... Porsche then quickly run towards the bathroom and sit on the cubicle and...... Porsche then speak in his heart.. Diarrhea? I think.. I didn't eat a lot... Vegas then ask from the outside.. Honey! Are you ok?! Porsche then reply.. Im fine! Don't worry.. Go first.. Porsche then take a quick shower.. Porsche feel his head hurts even more.. Porsche then come out from the bathroom and take a med and drink it then lay on the bed rest for a while.. Then.. Vegas appear and sit beside him then ask.. Baby.. What happen hmm? Porsche then reply.. Im having a diarrhea just now.. Don't worry.. Its nothing ok.. Vegas then reply.. Just rest in the room na.. I will prepare a food for you.. Porsche then run towards the toilet and vomit again and again.. Vegas starts to feel worry and rub Porsche back and say.. Sweetheart... You better rest ok.. I will go down and cook for us now.. Is there anything that you want to eat? Porsche then reply... Can you make a chicken soup? Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and say.. Rest now.. I will come up later... Porsche nod weakly and fall asleep.. A few minutes later.. Porsche wake up and vomit again and again... Porsche start to feel tired and hold his head... Porsche then lay on the bed and sleep again.. 20 minutes later.. Vegas come up with a soup on the tray and wake Porsche slowly.. Vegas then say.. Baby.. Hey... Wake up na.. I already bring a soup for you... Porsche then say.. Mmmhh... 5 minutes more... Vegas stroke Porsche head and help him to get up and feed him slowly.. Porsche eat the soup slowly and smile weakly.. Porsche then say.. Thank you for the soup na.. Its delicious like always.. Porsche eat the soup until finish and sit properly.. Porsche cover his face and feel dizzy again... Vegas then say.. Maybe you need some fresh air sweetheart.. Porsche sigh slowly and say.. You are smelly.. Go and take a shower...its already night... Shoo.. Vegas chuckle and kiss Porsche lips softly and take a shower.. Porsche feel his head hurts again and lay down on the bed.. Suddenly his phone ring and see Pete name on it.. Porsche sigh slowly and pick up the phone and say.. Hello Pete.. Pete then ask.. Porsche.. How are you doing there? Are you ok? You sounds like your aren't fine.. Porsche massage his head slowly and say.. Im fine... Just a bit dizzy.. Pete.. How is Khun Noo.. Arm and Pol.. I really miss you guys... Pete then reply.. Porsche.. We really miss you as well.. We are waiting for a right time to visit you.. Khun Kim also miss you na.. Porsche smile and say.. Its OK na Pete.. I really need to rest now.. Good night Pete.. Pete then reply.. Have a rest na Porsche.. Good night.. Porsche then hung up the phone.. Porsche lean his heads towards the bed and fall asleep.. 10 minutes later Vegas come out from the bathroom and shake his head as he see his beloved boyfriend fall asleep while sitting.. Vegas then help Porsche to lay down slowly.. Vegas switch off the light and lay down beside Porsche.. Porsche then hug Vegas and sleep soundly.. Vegas humming a lullaby and fall asleep..

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