Chapter 26

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Kinn Pov..

Kinn arrive at Vegas house.. Kinn then take out his mask and wear it.. Kinn keep the syringe inside of the pocket and climb up the gate.. Kinn look around as he try to be careful.. Kinn then walk towards the sliding doors and open it.. Kinn smirk and close back the sliding door and go upstairs and open the door slowly and see Vegas and Porsche is sleeping.. Kinn then inject Vegas and Porsche.. Kinn quickly carry Porsche and leave the house.. Kinn then drive back to his villa... 1 hours later.. Kinn arrives at his villa and park his car.. Kinn then carry Porsche and take him to go into the house and put Porsche in the room and handcuffs him again.. 10 minutes later.. Porsche wake up slowly and see Kinn is sleeping beside him.. Porsche then try to move his hands and see a handcuffs around him.. Porsche then say.. Kinn... Let me go.... I want to go home.. Kinn then wake up and see Porsche is already awake and say.. You think i will let you to escape like you did before? No one will come here to help you.. Either Kim or that Vegas.. Or my maid.. They won't be able to track you down Porsche... You are mine! Porsche shake his head and say.. Please... Im not well Kinn... Don't do this to me.. Kinn then kiss Porsche lips softly and say... I won't disturb you.. I will be at the kitchen... Kinn then go towards the kitchen and start cooking..

Vegas pov..

Vegas then wake up and notice Porsche isn't with him.. Vegas then quickly leave the house and drive to main family house... 10 minutes later.. Vegas arrives and run into the house and yell Khun! Khun! Where are you?! Arm and Pol suddenly running towards Vegas and ask.. Khun Vegas.. Melissa then appear and ask.. Whats wrong Khun Vegas?! A few minutes later.. Kim then appear and ask.. What happen?! Khun and Pete also appear and look at Vegas.. Khun then ask.. Where is Porsche? Vegas then say.. Porsche is missing!! Melissa then say.. Khun Kinn must be taking him back to the villa!Kim then say.. Lets go! All of them go to the villa..

At the villa..

Kinn then pack some food and say.. Porsche.. Lets get the hell out of here... Porsche shake his head and say.. No.. Please.. They will look for me.. Don't do this Kinn! Kinn then release a handcuffs and carry Porsche towards the car.. Kinn then take bag pack and start to drive away... 2 hours later.. Kinn and Porsche arrive at the private beach... Kinn then take Porsche towards another villa and put Porsche on the bed while kiss him softly... Porsche then say.. Kinn.... Porsche hold Kinn cheek and hug his neck and ask.. What are you doing.... Kinn then say.. You know what am i doing Porsche.. Im going to claim you back.. You are mine Porsche.. Only mine.. are carrying my baby.. The heir of Theerapanyakul family... Porsche then say... No.... This baby is belongs to Vegas... Kinn scoff and ask.. You think.. That bastard really want to marry you Porsche? He didn't.. He did it because he just feel pity about you and our baby.. He thought that I won't take any responsibility on you.. Now.. I will.. I will take a full responsibility for you and the baby... Porsche then say... Let me go now Kinn... Please... Kinn put his hand inside of Porsche pants and massage his junior softly... Porsche then moan.. Mmmhh... Kinn.... Kinn... Please... Aaaah... Kinn then massage his junior and Porsche cum.. Porsche then say.. Stop.. Please.. Aaaah... Kinn!Kinn smirk and reply.. No need to be so naive Porsche.. You really enjoy this aren't you? Porsche feel shock as he see Vegas and Kim burst into the villa and punch Kinn hard.. Vegas punch Kinn but got stop by Porsche.. Porsche then pull Vegas away and say.. Stop.. Please stop it baby... Enough! Vegas feel shock as he hears Porsche yell at his face because Porsche never do it before.. Vegas then ask.. Baby... Who the hell is your husband now? Me or him huh? Why you still need to defend this asshole.. Porsche then say... Let's go Kim.. Porsche pull Kim and walk with him... Kim then say.. Porsche.. Porsche.. Please wait for Vegas na.. Vegas punch Kinn and say.. Stay away from him bastard!! Vegas then punch Kinn again and walk away... As they walk away... Kinn then punch the wall many times and say.. Damn!!! I keep failing!Again and again... Kinn then leave the beach and return to his condo...

Vegas pov

As Vegas and Porsche arrives at their house.. Porsche then come out from the car and walk slowly.. Vegas start to feel annoyed with Porsche sudden behaviour suddenly carry Porsche towards their room and put Porsche on the bed and come closer to him... Porsche then look at Vegas eyes deeply and say... Khun Vegas.. Vegas then take off Porsche tshirt and throw it on the floor... Porsche then say... Baby... Lock the door and pull off the curtains first na... Vegas smirk and lock the door and pull off the curtains... Vegas then touch Porsche scar and kiss it gently and ask.. What did Kinn say to you hmm? Porsche then lean his head on Vegas chest as Vegas help Porsche to take off his pants and boxer.. Vegas stroke Porsche juniors gently... Porsche then say... Don't.. How am i.. Mmmhh... Baby... Vegas massage his beloved wife juniors softly and say... Tell me baby.. What did that bastard say to you? Porsche then reply.. Mmmhh.. He.. Aaaah.. He say.. Mmmhh... He said.. You.. Didn't want to marry.. Mmmhh.. Me.. Porsche cum and continue.. He said... Mmmhh.. You just... Mmmhh.. Pity me...Vegas then take a towel and covers Porsche juniors and massage it again... Porsche cum again and ask.. Mmmhh.. Baby.. Aaaah.. Are you mmmhh.. Mad... Mmmhh.. At me.... Porsche breath heavily as Vegas keep massage his junior... Porsche cum again and touch Vegas cheek... Vegas smirk and say... Yes... Im going to punish you now... Porsche moan again and again and say... Daddy.... Please forgive me... Vegas then smirk evilly and say.. You really made me turn on hmmm.. Porsche smile softly and kiss Vegas forehead... Porsche then say.. Please daddy.. Mmmhh... Your baby wants more.... Aaaah... Vegas then say... You are sick... Vegas then massage Porsche juniors again and kiss him deeply... Porsche cum again and say... I love you.. My husband... Vegas then say... I love you too.. I love you so much... Vegas then lick Porsche hole and lick it again and again.. Porsche stroke Vegas head and Vegas help Porsche to lay down.. Then.. Both of them fall asleep...

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