Chapter 11

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At main family house..

Korn is resting on his bed.. Suddenly there's a door knock.. Chan then open the door and see Khun and Kim.. Chan then step aside to give them an entrance.. Korn smile softly as he see Khun and Kim come towards him and sit in front of him.. Korn then ask... What's bring you both here? Khun then reply.. Well.. We have a great news to share with you Pa.. Kim then reply.. Finally.. Vegas and Porsche will get marry.. And now.. Porsche is pregnant.. Korn smile out of relieve as he hears those great news from his sons.. Korn then ask.. Is there any invitation for me? Chan chuckle then reply.. Of course Mr Korn.. Im sure Khun Vegas will invite you... Kim then reply.. Pa.. Even he didn't invite.. You still need to come... Porsche also consider you as his father.. Korn then ask again.. How about your big brother.. Does he knows about this? Khun then reply.. Pa.. Even he knows.. There is nothing that Kinn can do.. Porsche already belong to Vegas.. He dumped Porsche.. He tortured Porsche like he is an animal... What kind of person he is Pa? Kim then pat Khun shoulder and say.. Khun.. Kinn is like that because our Pa praised Vegas infront of Kinn.. Kinn actually trying to get along with Vegas.. But.. When our Pa compliment Vegas.. Kinn start to get jealous.. And now.. Porsche already fall in love with Vegas.. Kinn feel more angry and try to destroy Porsche.. We need to be careful.. Korn rub Kim shoulder and reply.. Just focus on the wedding na.. No need to think about your big brother.. Let me talk to him later.. Off you both go now.. Big who is listening to everything..quickly leave and go towards Kinn office room and say.. Khun Kinn.. Kinn who is focusing on his work then look at Big and ask. What is it? Khun Vegas and Porsche will get marry soon.. And now.. Porsche is pregnant.. Kinn roll his eyes and ask back.. Do you think I care? Now.. Leave! Big then leave Kinn room.. Kinn then say.. I will let you go for now Porsche...but..when the time comes.. I will hunt you down.. Even I like to torture you.. You should suppose to be mine! Only mine! Kim then smirk evilly and continue his work..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche is cooking pasta at the kitchen.. Vegas then hug Porsche from behind.. Porsche accidentally throw the spatula to Vegas face.. Vegas then yell.. Ouch! Porsche!! Its hot!! Porsche gasp and quickly pull Vegas towards the sink and wash his face slowly with a cold water.. Porsche then ask.. Sweetheart.. Are you ok?? Oh my.. Im truly sorry... Porsche wash Vegas face gently with a cold water again.. Vegas then look at him and ask.. Are you daydreaming? Porsche shake his head slowly and reply.. No.. I'm fine... Porsche then continue to cook the pasta.. Vegas then hug Porsche from behind again and say.. Im sorry too na.. I didn't mean to scold you just now.. Vegas kiss Porsche shoulder and put his chin on Porsche shoulder and look at him.. Porsche smile softly and reply.. The pasta is ready.. Let me serve it on the table na.. Porsche then take the plate and glass then put it on the table.. Vegas then put the pasta on the plate.. Suddenly theres a door bell rings.. Vegas then go towards the front door and see Kim.. Vegas then say.. Kim.. Come in.. Porsche frown as he hears Kim name.. Kim then comes towards the kitchen and say.. Wow.. Its look so delicious! Can I have some? Vegas then look at Kim and frown then ask... Are you trying to flirt with Porsche? Kim then smack Vegas head and say.. Even if I do it.. Its none of your business.. You think only you can marry Porsche? I also can marry Porsche if it wasn't because of you.. Kim roll his eyes and eat slowly.. Vegas chuckle and reply.. Yeah.. You should try to find someone in your life.. Porsche suddenly lost his appetite and say.. Excuse me.. Porsche then go out to take some fresh air.. Vegas and Kim look at each other and feel confused with Porsche sudden behaviour.. Kim then say.. I think he is afraid that Kinn might come to the wedding.. Vegas scoff then reply.. I won't allow it.. Kim then say.. We need to be careful.. I will talk to Porsche later.. Whats your plan tomorrow? Me and Porsche will go and buy a tuxedo.. Kim smile and say.. Ok.. Me and others will come and start to decorate the altar.. Don't worry.. The wedding might be small.. But it will give you both a beautiful memory.. You should talk to your Pa about this.. Vegas then ask.. How about Mr Korn? I really hope that he will be able to attend to our wedding na.. Kim pat Vegas shoulder and reply.. Don't worry.. I will make sure that he will come.. Vegas and Kim wash the plate.. Vegas then say.. Try to talk to Porsche Kim.. I think he will listen to you more.. Kim nod and go out and see Porsche is day dreaming again.. Kim smile gently and sit beside Porsche then ask.. Porsche.. Is there something bothering you? Porsche shake his head and reply.. Nothing Khun Kim.. Don't worry na.. Kim then ask.. How am I supposed not to worry hmm? The one that I love look so gloomy like this.. Smile a bit will you Porsche? I really miss your beautiful smile.. Please.. Porsche then smile softly and say... There you go.. Happy now? Kim then stare at Porsche and ask with a serious tone.. Are you still having a doubt about the baby Porsche? Porsche feel shock with the questions and quickly look away.. Kim slowly turn Porsche face towards him and kiss Porsche forehead gently and say.. Porsche.. You are about to get marry now.. Please push that negative thoughts away ok? Vegas is really care about you.. Kim then speak in his heart and so do I Porsche.. If only Im quicker.. Shit.. What the hell am I thinking about.. Stop it Kim.. Kim then say.. You should take a lot of rest.. And.. Please think about the baby.. Vegas will protect you.. Remember.. He is a son of mafia.. And.. He knows what he is doing.. With whom he deal with.. Talking about Kinn.. Vegas really knows how to handle him... As long as Im here.. Kinn won't be able to touch you Porsche.. I won't let him do anything to you.. Me and Vegas will protect you.. Khun can't wait to see you stand at the altar with Vegas.. Kim hug Porsche and rub his back slowly.. Porsche then close his eyes as he feels Kim warmth.. Porsche then reply.. Thank you Khun Kim.. Kim stroke Porsche head and kiss his lips shortly and say.. I need to go now.. I will see you again tomorrow.. Kim wave his hand and leave.. Porsche sigh slowly and go into the house..

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