Chapter 34

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Kim pov..

Kim go inside the house and see Vegas is still at the kitchen.. Vegas then see Kim then say.. Ooh.. Hey bro.. What are you doing here?Porsche is still outside right? Kim then say.. Yes.. He is.. Is there anything that I can help you? Vegas chuckle and reply.. No need Kim.. I'm already finish.. Mind to call Porsche to come inside? Kim then nod and walk outside and see Porsche isn't there anymore.. Kim then yell.. Porsche! Baby! Where are you?! Vegas then run outside and see Porsche isn't outside.. Vegas then ask.. Where is my wife Kim?! Kim then reply.. I swear Vegas.. Just now he is here! Kim cough and see a blood coming... Vegas then say.. Kim.. Kim.. You better go home now ok? I will bring Porsche back.. I promise.. Kim quickly shake his head.. No.. Please.. Let's go to main family house.. Kim then cough again and see more blood coming out from his mouth.. Kim then say.. Vegas... Kim then faint on the floor.. Vegas quickly catch Kim and say... Kim.. Hey.. Kim! Wake up! Vegas then take out his phone and call Khun.. Vegas then say.. Hello Khun! Its me.. Vegas! Khun then ask with a calm voice.. Vegas.. Hey.. Calm down.. Tell me.. What's wrong hmm? Why are you yelling like that? Vegas then reply.. Khun.. You need to help me! Porsche is missing again! Khun then yell.. What?!! How come?!Vegas then say.. I need to take Kim to the hospital right away! Ask Arm to check about Porsche.. I think Kinn kidnapped him again.. I will talk to you later.. Khun then say.. Hello.. Vegas.. Vegas! Shia!! He hung up the phone..

At main family house..

Khun pov..

Khun start to feel worry and call out for Arm.. Pete Arm and Pol come towards Khun.. Pete then ask.. Love.. What's wrong hmm? Khun... Kim need to stay at the hospital.. Just now.. Vegas called me and say.. Kim already unconscious.. Pete feel shock and ask again.. What about Porsche.. baby? Khun then say.. Porsche... He i kidnapped again.. Pete bang the wall and say.. Damn it!! It must be Khun Kinn doing! Arm then turn on the computer and try to check about Porsche positions but fail.. Pol then ask.. How is it Arm? Arm shake his head then reply.. I'm truly sorry Khun Noo.. But I can't found Porsche.. Pete then say.. We must find another way out.. We can't let Khun Kinn have Porsche.. Arm.. Try again na.. Please.. Arm then try to search about Porsche positions again.. Khun then reply.. Its OK guys.. Let's go to the hospital now.. Then.. Khun Arm Pete and Pol go to the hospital..

At other place..

Kinn Pov

Kinn arrive at a mansion which been control by a few of bodyguards.. One of the bodyguards then say.. Khun Kinn.. Kinn then say.. Just help me to secure this mansion.. Porsche can't leave this mansion unless I give him a permission to leave.. Understand? Kinn then carry Porsche to the room and put him on the bed.. Kinn then rub Porsche belly and kiss it gently and say... I love you Porsche.. Porsche then wake up and see Kinn.. Porsche then say.. Kinn.... Just.. Please give up on me na.. I beg you.. Kinn touch Porsche belly and kiss his forehead and reply.. Rest Porsche.. You are safe here.. With me.. Vegas won't disturb us anymore.. Porsche then say.. There's nothing between us Kinn...If you say that you love me.. No need to prove anything.. Just.. Give your organ to Kim.. He really need it right now.. Make an amends Kinn.. I know theres still kindness in you.. Kinn then say.. I won't do it Porsche.. You deserve better.. Porsche then reply.. I belong to Vegas.. Only to Vegas.. Kinn..Kinn then kiss Porsche deeply and push him.. Porsche then push Kinn away and say.. Don't torture yourself even more Kinn.. Its not worth it.. Kinn then say.. You won't be able to leave this mansion Porsche! Kinn then leave the room.. Porsche quickly get up and try to to open the door but fail.. Porsche then yell.. Kinn! Open the door! Kinn then leave the mansion and return to his condo..Porsche then say.. Vegas.. My husband.. Im sorry na... I can't leave this mansion.. Porsche then fall asleep on the bed..

At the hospital..

Vegas already arrives at the hospital.. Then see Khun car.. Khun then rush towards Kim and help Vegas to carry Kim.. Pete then ask a few nurses to come and help to take Kim to the emergency room... Vegas then sit and ask.. What about Porsche Arm? Arm shake his head and reply.. Im truly sorry na Khun Vegas... Vegas then bang the wall until his hand turns red... Khun then rub Vegas shoulder and say.. Vegas.. Please.. Calm down ok.. This is a hospital.. We will find Porsche.. I promise.. Vegas then cry in silent.. The doctor then come out and say.. Khun Kim need to stay here.. His health are slowly dropping...we will give him a medicine and he need to do q chemo again by tomorrow... Excuse me.. I still have another patient to handle.. Khun bow and let the doctor to leave... Arm then say.. Khun Vegas... I think you should go back home... If we get any information about Porsche.. We will tell you immediately.. Vegas nod and say.. Please.. Please help me to look for Porsche.. I will go now.. Vegas then leave the hospital and drive back home..

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