Chapter 23

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At the villa..

Porsche pov..

Porsche suddenly wake up and see Kinn is still sleeping.. Porsche then get up from the bed slowly and go outside and see no one.. Porsche starts to feel nervous and breath heavily... Porsche suddenly feel shock as he see a hand on his shoulder.. Porsche notice the hands have a wrinkles.. Porsche slowly turn around and see a maid... The maid then touch Porsche belly gently and close her eyes and smile.. The maid then say.. My dear... You don't have to worry na.. This baby is nothing to do with Khun Kinn... What is your name? Porsche then reply.. Im Porsche Kittisawat krub... The maid then reply.. Im Melissa.. Im working as a maid here.... You are the 1st guest that Khun Kinn bring to this villa.. Porsche then rub his belly and say.. I need to go back to my husband... He is waiting for me Mrs Melissa... Please..please help me na? Kinn then see Porsche is outside and walk out from the room.. Porsche then see Kinn is about to walk out from the room.. Melissa then take Porsche and help him to get on the boat.. Melissa then start up the boat and drive the boat.. Kinn then see the boat already move...Kinn then yell.. Porsche!!! Don't you dare to run!! Kinn shoot the boat but miss the target.. Kinn then punch the wall and say.. damn it!! Porsche then hold his belly and look at Melissa and ask.. Where are you taking me? Melissa then reply.. This river is a shortcut to main family house! I will speed up this boat.. Hold on tight! Porsche then quickly hold on tight as Melissa speed up the boat... 10 minutes later.. Porsche arrive at main family house.. Melissa then turn off the engine and help Porsche to get down from the boat.. Melissa then say.. Come with me.. Porsche hold Melissa hand and follow her... Melissa and Porsche start to walk... Melissa then see a few of people and day.. Nong.. Who are those people? Porsche then see Vegas.. Kim.. Khun and others then reply.. Thats is my family! Melissa then say.. Lets go and see them! Porsche then walk away to approach them and say.. Guys.... Porsche cry while looking at them.. Vegas turn around and see his beloved wife already standing right in front of him.. Vegas then run towards Porsche and hug him tight then kiss Porsche whole face.. Kim then check on Porsche and ask.. Sweetheart.. Are you ok?! Vegas stroke Porsche belly and ask.. Our baby are fine right?.. Melissa then say.. Don't worry.. The baby is fine... Kim then about to shoot the maid but got stop by Porsche and say.. No.. Please.. Don't.. She save my life.. Khun then say.. Calm down little brother.. Arm then ask.. Ermm.. Who are you? Porsche then reply..she is Melissa.. A maid... Melissa then reply.. Im one of a maid at Khun Kinn villa.. Actually.. Khun Kinn have a villa.. There is where he brought Porsche.. I help him to escape.. Vegas then say.. Thank you so much for saving his life.. Melissa then touch Porsche belly and close her eyes and smile... Porsche then ask.. What's wrong? Melissa then reply.. This baby is belongs to you and your husband.. Like I said.. This baby have nothing to do with Khun Kinn... And.. This baby will receive a lot of love by a people around him.. Just.. Please take care of this baby... Especially from Khun Kinn.. And.. You need to be careful around Khun Kinn.. He won't let you go like this.. Kim then say.. Come and work with me.. Be my maid... My house is safe for you to stay.. Melissa then reply.. Its OK if Khun Kinn want to kill me... As long as Porsche and the baby are safe.. That's the most important thing.. Khun shake his head and reply.. No.. We won't let you die Melissa.. Please.. Listen to my little brother.. Stay with him..he will keep you safe.. Porsche then hold Melissa hands.. Please.. You need to save your life from Kinn.. Don't sacrifice yourself for me.. Melissa then say.. I will work here... Don't worry na.. You and your husband should go home na.. Vegas then say.. Sweetheart.. Let's go home na.. Kim then say.. I also need to go back now.. Khun then reply.. Guys... Please be careful.. Arm then reply.. I will send you both.. Come on.. Pol and Pete follow Arm to go outside.. Pete then reply.. Porsche.. Please let us know if you have any problems.. We are really worry about you right now.. Not only about you but the baby as well.. Porsche nod and reply...thank you so much Pete.. Porsche then hug Pete.. Pete then reply...its OK na Porsche.. You are my best friend... Of course I care about you.. Pol then reply.. If we have a time.. We will go to Khun Vegas house and visit you Porsche.. Vegas then say..let's go baby.. Lets go back na.. Porsche nod and get into the car.. Vegas then get into the car and drive back to his house..

At Kinn villa..

Kinn is sitting on the bed and say.. This time.. You are the winner Porsche.. But next time.. You will know your fate.. Don't challenge me Pachara Kittisawat... Kinn smirk and return to main family house..

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