Chapter 20

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Vegas Pov

Vegas then drive away and take Porsche to the park.. Porsche frown and ask.. Baby...why you bring me to the park? Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and reply.. I want to spend my time with you and our baby.... Vegas then continue to drive.. Porsche smile and stare outside while daydreaming....Vegas hold Porsche hand and say.. Baby.. We already arrive.. Porsche then look around and say.. Baby.. This is an amusement park.. Vegas smile brightly and ask.. Do you like it hmm.. While stroke Porsche head gently.. Porsche nod excitedly and say... Lets go! Vegas laugh and help Porsche to come out and say.. Baby.. If you feel tired... Let me know immediately na.. You and our baby can't be too tired.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and hold his hand and start to walk slowly.. Vegas then take Porsche to photo booth and take a picture together.. Porsche then say.. Baby.. You look handsome na.. Porsche then kiss Vegas cheek.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and rub his belly then say.. I love you so much na... I love our baby too.. Vegas then point to toys booth.. And ask.. Sweetheart.. Do you want to try shooting? You are newbie.. Porsche chuckle and say.. I didn't have any gun with me yet Khun Vegas krub.. Vegas laugh and take Porsche to the booth and start shooting.. Porsche clap his hand as he see Vegas managed to hit all the targets.. Vegas then take a love shape cushion and give it to Porsche.. Porsche rub his nose and say.. So fluffy... Vegas laugh again and kiss Porsche forehead and say.. Baby.. You look so tired.. Lets go back na.. Its almost evening now.. Porsche then pout and say.. I want to stay here... Vegas then reply.. Baby.. You need to rest now.. Come on.. Porsche then nod and walk back to the car.. Vegas then drive back home... Porsche then say.. Thank you for this sweetheart... Vegas then say.. Its nothing baby... I just want to see you happy na.. Porsche then close his eyes and fall asleep.. 15 minutes later... Vegas arrives at his house and see his beloved wife is sleeping soundly.. Vegas then stroke Porsche cheek softly and say.. Baby.. Hey.. Sweetheart.. Wake up na.. We already arrive.. Porsche open his eyes and rub it and say.. Im still sleepy.... Vegas smile softly and say.. Come on baby.. Lets sleep upstairs na.. Lets go.. Vegas then get out from the car and take Porsche out from the car and go into the house and walk upstairs and go towards their room.. Porsche then lay down on the bed and continue to sleep.. Vegas then change his clothes and sleep with Porsche..

2 hours later..Porsche wake up slowly and see Vegas is still sleeping.. Porsche then get down from the bed and go down to make a milk.. Porsche smile as he see Vegas hands around his waist.. Porsche then turn his face and kiss Vegas lips softly and ask.. Are you hungry sweetheart? Vegas nod and say.. I am baby.. Porsche then open the fridge and see.. A lot of ingredients already finish.. Vegas then say.. Let's go to the supermarket na.. Porsche then say.. Just stay at home.. Vegas then say... Ok.. Please be careful na baby... Porsche then walk towards the car and get into the car and drive to the supermarket.. Kinn then silently follow up Porsche. 10 minutes later.. Porsche arrive at the supermarket... Porsche then see Kim car.. Kinn then say.. Damn you Kim! How dare you get into my way! Kinn then say.. Never mind.. I will leave.. But next time I won't do this again.. Kinn then drive back to his condo.. Porsche then ask.. What are you doing here Kim? Kim then ask.. What are you doing here hmm? You should go with Vegas.. Porsche then say.. I didn't want to burden him... Kim sigh slowly and say.. Sweetheart.. This isn't about burden na... Vegas really worried about you.. And so do I... Come on.. Let's buy a stuff and go home.. Porsche nod and go into the supermarket follow by Kim.. 15 minutes later.. Porsche and Kim leave the supermarket.. Kim then say.. Porsche.. Take care of your self ok.. I will go now.. I will see you again.. Kim then kiss Porsche forehead and say.. I love you.. Bye.. Kim then leave Porsche and drive away.. Porsche sigh as he starts to feel guilty towards Kim and drive back to Vegas house.. 10 minutes later.. Porsche arrives and go into the house and see Vegas is watching tv.. Vegas then see his beloved wife already at the kitchen and decide to join Porsche at the kitchen.. Vegas hug Porsche from behind and ask.. Baby.. Whats wrong hmm? You look a bit quiet.. Porsche then reply... Well.. Im fine sweetheart.. Maybe Im tired.. Don't worry ok.. Porsche smile as he try to convince Vegas.. Vegas then say.. Just wait at the table.. I will do it.. Porsche then start to take out a plate and glass then put it on the table while Vegas already starts to cook..

At Kinn condo..
Kinn pov

Kinn is standing at the window while thinking about how he can kidnap Porsche.. Kinn then say.. I need to get rid of Kim first.. Kim is quite cunning as well... None of my business anyway... Kinn then smirk then drink his wine while smoking..

At Kim house..

Kim pov..

Kim is sitting down while writing a lyrics suddenly stop as he thinking about Porsche.. Kim smile and say.. I love you Porsche.. I will see you again tomorrow.. Kim then go to the bathroom and clean himself and go to sleep...

Vegas pov..

Vegas then prepare the food on the table.. Vegas then see Porsche is day dreaming and snap his finger in front of Porsche face and ask.. Baby.. Mind to tell me.. What's wrong? Im really worry about you right now.. Porsche then hold Vegas hand and ask.. What if Kim keep his distance from me? Vegas frown and ask.. Huh? What do you mean hmm? Theres no way Kim will do that.. Porsche then reply.. I don't know too baby.. Suddenly I have a bad feelings about Kim... Something dangerous will come to him.... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and rub his back and say.. Baby.. Don't think too much ok.. Let's eat.. Vegas and Porsche then eat together..

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