Crazy for you

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Chapter 1 :
Weird tension...

Sonic's POV :
we are all meeting up at meh burger. Things have been getting weird lately. I can't seem to focus right or even say the right things. I don't understand why. I was lost in my train in thought but Tails had me snap back into reality. Tails says while eating his burger, "yo sonic are you going tonight?" I stop eating and look at him. "What do you mean Tails? Going where?" Knuckles chimes in, " The twins are back in town, I think they're hosting some kind of party. Everyone seems to be going." He continues to munch on his burger. I sit up quickly to the thought of the whole thing. "

Really? Where? Count me in! I wonder how they're doing." I say curiously. Amy rolls her eyes and complains. I notice she seems to be a little off since the twins were mentioned. "Aw don't get jealous Amy just because I'm talking about Perci and Staci heh." I chuckle as I see Amy's face gets red. Amy snaps saying, "I'm not jealous. What would I be jealous of?" Tails responds, "The thought of Sonic with another woman." Amy annoyingly says, "Oh please I don't care what he does it's his life."

She finishes her food and gets up to place her tray. I look at Knuckles and tails. "Women am i right ?" I chuckle nervously. Tails and knuckles glance at each other before looking back at me. I stare. "What?" I ask questionably.
(A/N: imagine if I had made Amy stand right behind Sonic when he said that. Bro would've gotten smacked sliced diced and smashed.💀)

Amy's POV :
What's so special about them anyway? They're quite annoying and they're never really around anyway. I can't even think about that right now. I place my tray and give it to Dave. He looks at me and asks, "Oh Thanks. How has your day been?" I reply with, "Oh it's okay. What about you?"

He looks me up and down and says, "Oh sorry you just look really pretty today." He smiles. I smile and blush a little. "Why thank you Dave that's really sweet of you. You don't look bad yourself." I giggle a little.

Sonic's POV :
I glance and see Amy and Dave laughing and talking. It made me irritated. Why is she talking to him? I stare at them bringing Tails and Knuckles to notice. Knuckles looks at Tails and Tails smirks evilly. Tails innocently says "Man they make such a great couple." I spit out my drink as he said those DISGUSTING words. I say shockingly, "W-WHAT together ?" I point at him and Amy. "Him? And Amy? No way, she would never go for someone like him. I'm way BETTER.

I say as I cross my arms pouting. Tails and Knuckles  just both start out laughing. Knuckles says, "MAN you should've seen your face. What do you like Amy or something ?" He continues to laugh. I start to blush and decline. "No.. I don't. Why would I care?" I brush it off as it were nothing, denying the truth. Fuck. It's getting harder and harder to hide this. And it's getting worse. I know deep down they're right. But.. Tails interrupt my thoughts once more. Tails stops laughing and says ,

A/N: That 100% would be canon

" Sonic relax we were joking. But, we've get very.." He pauses for a moment. "Tense" Knuckles interrupts. "Yeah you seem to get very anxious when either you two are talking or if she's like around." I sigh and turn my head. "You don't know what you're talking about Tails." I can't help it. She's just so pretty. She always has been. The moment I saw her I knew I wanted her. Her laugh. Her smile. Her voice.

Just everything. She makes my heart beat a million times a minute. I won't let anyone hurt her...I trail off as I see Amy walking back to us. Amy comes back and says, "What are you guys talking about?" She sits back down. I turn my head as I felt my cheeks feeling flushed. "Oh nothing just Sonic being Sonic." Tails says while giving me the I know what's up look. I played it off ignoring him for a couple of minutes. Knuckles begins to say, "Well we should probably head home to make it to that party. You guys coming?"

Knuckles cleans up the rest of the gangs food and table. "You bet ya. Sonic you're coming." Tails looks at me sternly. Just lie. I don't really feel like being around a lot of people right now. I start to say, " Nah I'm gonna sit this one out." I say as I lean back in my chair. " I SAID.." Tails says more violently, "You're coming.. RIGHT?" He gives me a death stare. I start sweating nervously.

Damn he knows me too well. It was worth a try. "Ok ok fine. I'll be there." Knuckles and Tails both say, " Well, see you later guys" they quickly leave before me and Amy could say anything. Dammit. They left us like that on purpose. Gee now I don't even know what to do or say. It's just me and her. I mean I don't mind that ..but.. wait what am I even saying ? I feel warmth in my cheeks again.

Amy breaks the silence. "Well uh we should head home. Wouldn't want to be late for that party right?" I look at her and nod. "Yeah guess you're right." She looks at me for a moment making me nervous. I look back. We keep looking at each other for a few minutes before she breaks the eye contact. "Well S-See you later Sonic." She stutters slightly. "See ya later Ames." I watch her as she walks away.

I hope she goes to that party. Wouldn't be the same without her. I begin to walk home. Suddenly I find myself walking and I see this tiny red ring. "Maybe if I.."

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