*More drama 🫢***

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Amy's POV:
Later on I start to get hungry. My stomach rumbles loudly. "You hungry Ames?" He asks me. I nod. "Yea a little." I laugh. "We'll do you want to go to Meh Burger?" "Yes please. Just let me change first." I kiss his cheek. He blushes. I quickly throw on my dress and shoes and head out the door with Sonic. We get there quickly. "I'll get the food for us." I say. "Okay sweetheart." I blush and walk away. I ordered the food while talking to Dave.

Sonic's POV:
I turn my head to see Amy and Dave chatting and laughing away. I tense up. Why the fuck is he so god damn close to her. And why is she talking to him. I slam my hand on the table watching his every movement. Why is he touching her. I'm gonna fucking kill him. Amy walks back to us with our food. I'll wait till we're done eating first then he's really gonna get it.

I sat there and ate my food completely silent not saying a word. Amy notices and asks me, "Sonic are you okay? You've been so quiet."
I sigh softly. "I'm fine Ames." I stare at the table intensely. We finish our food. I get up very quickly and very angry. "Sonic where are you going?-" I walk right past her straight to Dave. I slam my hands on the counter. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

Dave, surprised by this stops what he's doing immediately. "Dude! What the hell are you talking about?" I growl and leap over the counter. I grab him by his neck and slam him against the wall. "Don't fucking play stupid. Don't you ever talk to my GIRL like that again or I'll fucking kill you. That's a promise." I growl scaring Dave. "C-Chill alright? No need to be insecure." Oh that's fucking it. I was about to rip his throat out when I felt something tug me away. Amy holds onto me tightly. "I'll fucking kill you." I yell at him.

Amy drags me away. "Sonic what the Fuck! You can't do that!" Amy scolds me. I cross my arms. "I didn't like the way he was looking at you Amy! I saw his intentions." I defended. "He was only handing me food! It's not a big deal!" I grab both of her arms. "No Amy. You listen to me. You Belong to me. I have a right to defend and claim what's mine."

I snap. She blushed but pushes me away lightly. "You need to get yourself in control. You're out of control." I watch her walk away holding my hands above my head.

Yeah, out of control my ass.

She is mine.

I don't care, l still fucking kill anyone who goes near her.

Amy's POV:
I stomp away and huff. What the hell was that. He was only giving me food. Stupid hedgehog. I walk further away from him when I tune my head and see Eggman standing there. "Oh great what do you want this time-" But before I could react Eggman had sent his robot to grab me quickly. I scream and kick. Goddammit. I should've never walked away from Sonic. I attempt to punch the robot but he hit me hard making my vision extremely blurry. I can barely see anything. No, Sonic...Sonic I need you.

Sonic's POV:
She'll calm down eventually. I started to walk away until I heard someone calling out my name. "SONIC". Huh? Who's calling my name? "SONIKKUE" My heart immediately dropped after hearing that. Only Amy calls me that. I turn around quickly to see that a robot took off with Amy while Eggman laughing flying off in his flying machine. (A/N: idk what's his flying machine thingy is called lol) "NO AMY!"

I reached out and yelled to her. NO NO NO FUCK. HE HAS HER. I need to get her back. If he touches her...I'll rip him apart... I run to tails workshop to get prepared to fight And break into Eggman's base.

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