Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Calm down. It will only hurt-"

Mire. Ooze. Slime.

Izuku did not want to use his quirk. He never wanted to use his quirk. He tried to squash it down inside of him but as he had so many times before his quirk activated without his consent no matter how loudly he screamed in his head to stop. He would have had an easier time trying to pin down the wind.

"Huh?" the monstrous body of sludge rasped around him, Izuku could feel its -mass- trying to surround him - one disgusting tentacle pushing against his mouth as it tried to smother him. It had burst from the sewer grate and had leapt for Izuku immediately, the high schooler had tried to make a run for it but it had caught him immediately. At that moment though he wasn't scared what this sludge villain would do to him, no, Izuku worried what his own quirk would do to himself.

All it took was a single touch.

"MMMMPH!" he yelled into the sludge tentacle as his own body began to...gooify. He felt as his skin, his muscles, his nerves, his bones - his everything - mutated. To an outside observer it would have looked like his body just disappeared - an amorphous blob of sludge replacing him which looked not unlike the villain that had assaulted him, if with a lighter green hue to his slime, smaller teeth, and green eyes. His school clothes from Aledera High, backpack, a pair of black gloves, and the notebook he had been clutching swirled within his new body, moving as if caught in molasses.

If he had a stomach at the moment Izuku would have vomited.

Instead he slipped out of the villain's tentacles and more or less splattered across the bridge wall as he slowly came to grips with his lack of bones, nerves, and everything else. One of Izuku's eyes bobbed in his body, looking back fearfully at the villain whose quirk he had unwillingly copied. The villain slipped back like a slimy tide in the opposite direction down the tunnel, shock apparent on its 'face' before a thought seemed to strike it - then it smiled.

And laughed.

"Hahaha! Oh kid!" its maw grinned wider as it sloshed toward him, its own madness filled eyes looking him over, " are going to be my hero!" It laughed again, its wheezing voice echoed at Izuku from all directions as he started to finally pull himself together, literally. "Get All Might's autograph for me. Will yah?"

Then the villain turned and surged away down the opposite end of the tunnel disappearing before Izuku could piece together the words it had said. He did not have to wait long to find out, as he heard (despite not having ears) someone else jump through the same manhole the villain had emerged from.

"I am here, villain!"

All Might.

Izuku's idol.

Whose face was plastered over practically every inch of his bedroom.

The hero he had looked up to for as long as he could remember.

Who was here now, fist raised and ready to deliver one of his superpowered punches.

Called him a villain.

His already threadbare will snapped at those words.

"V-villain...All Might called me a villain...a quirk stealing villain..." Izuku's voice bubbled out of his maw, two small rows of normal looking teeth lining it. He didn't know where in his body he was getting the moisture for it but tears formed around his floating eyeballs and floating up to the surface of his slimy mass and dripped down. The minor semblance of his normal body he had tried to form collapsed and he once again splattered across the floor of the tunnel.

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