Chapter 15

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Chapter 15



Actually walking into the dormitory was a more difficult hurdle than Izuku had expected. Setsuna immediately after hearing the story of how he had copied Ibara's quirk had launched into brainstorming a new nickname for him.

"Bushtop? Palmtop? Vine Time? Palm Leaves? Fernie? Frondy? Viney? Parsley? Parsley Head?"

Which had only made him bow and beg for Ibara to to forgive him again for copying her quirk. All of the insecurities and anxiety he had pushed down for today creeped up from the pit of his stomach, up his spine and into his brain like centipedes. He was going to be in a confined space with people he had never met before! What if they reacted badly to him copying their quirks? Could he escape and truly avoid copying their quirks by accident?

Setsuna had seemed to see how sorry he truly was because she had stopped sounding out names and had jumped to his defense - reminding him that he had improved his control over his quirk over the last few months. Fortunately, Ibara seemed to take it all in a good natured stride.

Ibara praised his quirk, again stating how much she had been happy to share the blessing of her own quirk with him.

There was a conviction in her eyes that had made Izuku pause for a moment but had miraculously done the trick in calming him down.

The moving truck had opened up and a small horde of robots appeared out of nowhere to pick up his and Ibara's belongings and disappear in what looked like a service entrance into the dormitory ("UA is all kinds of extra'' Setsuna had remarked.). With that being taken care of they had decided now was as good a time as any to go inside. Walking up the short flight of steps to the front entrance Izuku had gone first, holding his breath as he pushed open the door to be confronted with-

"HEY THERE! Welcome to UA, Newbies!" shouted the smiling mouth attached to an older girl's face with long periwinkle hair.

"T-too close!" Izuku yelped, stumbling back and tripping over his own feet. Without really thinking he activated Ibara's quirk, the vines in his hair shot out like whips, wrapping around the other door, the second story ledge, and a lamp post to suspend his body enough to fall flat on his back.

"Hey, hey, hey! A little warning next time, the both of you?!" Setsuna griped, half of her body floating in the air to the side of a set of vines that had shot in her direction and had wrapped themselves on the ledge. Her glare though was more focused on the older girl who had just appeared right in front of him.

"Whaaaat? The quirk registry didn't say anything about a boy with a vine mutation quirk? Oh wow you were all like 'THWIP!' with those vines! Did you consciously do that or was it instinct?" the girl's mouth spat out words at a rapid fire rate, pulling himself slowly back onto his feet he realized she was actually floating in the air. She looked to the side and saw Ibara, letting out an overexcited GASP of surprise she pointed at Ibara's head then Izuku's then back to Ibara's and finally resting back on Izuku's "Oh! Oh! OH! I know who you are! You're the one-"

Whatever she was about to say was muffled as a hand seemed to phase through her body and then solidify as it clamped shut on her mouth.

"We are supposed to be welcoming to UA!" a very tall, smiling boy with bright blonde hair and an almost blinding smile said as he appeared behind the girl, "So let me do that right now! Welcome to UA! I'm the Co-Resident Assistant, Mirio Togata or you can call me by my hero name!"

He struck a pose, the girl now stuffed underneath his armpit, with one hand extending out before hooking back with a thumb pointing at himself, "Lemillion!"

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