Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

That following Monday Izuku had dreaded what Kacchan's response to last Friday's incident would be when he next saw him next in class. As soon as the ashen blonde had kicked open the classroom door Izuku had shrunk down in his seat, even though he was actually several inches taller than Kacchan just one irritated look from him was enough to make Izuku cringe down and try to be as small, as beyond notice as possible. When the other boy sat down at his desk with an irritable grumble Izuku instinctively flinched ready for some sort of verbal or physical assault...but it never came.

He peaked over at his classmate who was looking up at the ceiling as if it had personally insulted him.

Had Izuku been blessed by the gods? Why hadn't Kacchan blown up at him for...saving his life? Did he...did he not recognize Izuku in that Sludge-quirk form? He had been more or less a blob of slime but he had thought Kacchan might have seen him before when his body had solidified.

"Hey Bakugo! I saw what happened on the news!" a lanky classmate said and ambled over, followed by a couple others. "They say you held off the villain and All Might saved you!"

"Hmph." Kacchan grunted, only glancing at the others for a moment before he dismissed them in his mind, "Yea, I did. Blacked out just before All Might...punched the freaking mutant."

"So cool! You were unconscious but still managed to get free?" a girl cooed, Kacchan rolled his eyes but nodded along. To Izuku it looked like he was trying to concentrate and play back last week's events.

"Yea,I did!" he finally nodded, his feral grin splitting his face as what he remembered and what others had told him slotted into place to his satisfaction in his head, "Just means I am already going to the best Pro Hero as soon as I get out of this dump."

Izuku let out a sigh of relief at those words, Kacchan had no clue that he was involved in his rescue. If he had, it would have just made Izuku's life worse. Being saved by a 'Quirk-Stealer'? Kacchan would have made sure that he understood his 'place' under the Explosive-quirk user's foot. Which meant he could plan for the U.A. University Entrance Exam without being bothered...

While their teacher droned on, Izuku jotted down a plan of action for becoming a hero in his notebook.

Step 1: Train

Step 2: Pass the U.A. Entrance Exam.

Step 3: ?

Step 4: Become a Pro Hero.

He tapped his pencil against his lips as he thought, twirling it between his gloved fingers. A vague outline to be sure but he at least had three goals well defined, once he entered U.A. he would be able to analyze the additional obstacles and hurdles to graduating as a hero from the school. For now, he just needed to focus on 'Step 1'. All Might had told him to work for confidence in himself and his quirk. So, what did he know about his quirk's weaknesses? He began to write more on the paper.

Quirk: Mutate.


Requires skin-to-skin contact. User (Me) is unable to prevent quirk from self-activating.

Requires a Mutation-type or Transformation-type quirk. Emitter-type quirks will not be copied.

Transformation-type quirks appear weaker than original copy.

Once a quirk is copied will remain active for 1 hour or until User (Me) is rendered unconscious. Until then User (Me) is unable to 'turn off' the copied quirk.

The more quirks absorbed or 'full body' quirks copied results in harder control and greater drain of stamina.

Drain in stamina leads to inability to move and eventual unconsciousness.

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