Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Wow, UA is really a top notch university if they can afford to have these massive test sites..." Itsuka let out a whistle as she looked at the gate before her, the faux city beyond it and then to the other test sites she could make out in the distance, each one similarly walled off to Test Site A.

It was a distraction and quickly proved to be a short one as her mind went back to her earlier thoughts on the bus ride to the testing site.

What had happened to Izuku? How had his quirk samples been destroyed?

She had felt some relief when she had seen the texts that Izuku had managed to copy Tsuyu's Frog quirk, but that still left Izuku short of her and Kamakiri's more aggressively inclined quirks. Would he be able to copy new quirks from his testing group? She internally sighed at her worries and calmed herself by pushing them away.

Itsuka had her own worries, like the incredibly important practical exam fighting robots that she was about to take, but still she couldn't help but put herself on the line for others - every time. She had always been the "Big Sis" to her peers throughout Middle School and High School, her classmates had always told her that it just seemed to come naturally with her personality. Whenever she saw the people close to her struggling she always, ALWAYS stepped up to protect them or help them in any way she could. Sometimes it was as if her body moved on its own.

It had been what had drawn All Might's attention to her in the first place after all.

This time though it was different than acting as Class Rep at her was personal.

Izuku was...Izuku was...her first real friend in a long time. A thought which made her smile just a tiny bit bitterly.

Big Sis Mode was great for getting people to feel confident that should could help them, but it wasn't always the best for keeping some friends.

Not to mention! Izuku had worked his ass to get here for this exam! She had witnessed every single drop of blood, sweat and tears he had shed to get this far! She was rooting for him every step of the way, and she knew that whatever or whoever had tried to mess with her friend had better watch out for themselves.

"Tch! What the hell? Why are you here getting in my way, you freakin' extra-sized extra!" Angry Boy's sharp voice absolutely grated on Itsuka's already thin nerves. His shout made several of the other examinees turn their way, one was a boy wearing a headband while another had strange-looking ear lobes that looked like wire jacks. Fortunately Itsuka was made of much stronger stuff than whatever Angry Boy's ego was made out of. Instead of shouting or making a threatening move she simply turned her head and looked down at him, her position on their height difference was vastly superior to his by at least a foot.

She kept her voice calm and her expressions neutral, she had dealt with hot heads like Angry Boy before - they thrived on confrontation and escalation, "I'm here to take the exam. Same as you."

"What, you think I'm too stupid to know that?" Angry Boy growled, sparks flying from his palms as his face became a new shade of red while glaring up at her.

"I already answered your question. I'm here for the exam and obviously UA placed me here for it." Itsuka replied tersely again, using her willpower to not roll her eyes but she did place her hands on her hips. She didn't insult him, she didn't curse him, and she certainly didn't move closer toward him in a threatening manner but all the same he continued to take offence at her existence at that very spot in time and space.

"Do you even have a quirk or are you just naturally goddamned tall and roided out?" Angry Boy continued his verbal assault, it wasn't the worst comments she had received after her growth spurt from One For All but maybe it was just his voice and hyper-aggressive attitude that made it more annoying? "You BETTER have a strong quirk, otherwise you should just get out of my way and out of here."

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