Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Walking down the street anyone looking at Tsuyu would only be able to see her eyes peering out from deep within the warm embrace of her winter coat. It was the day after the UA Entrance Exams and while she had been fine outside the previous day a cold snap had moved through the region. She silently thanked Detnerat, a Japanese company known for making quirk lifestyle support items, for the warming coat they made for people with cold-based quirks or like her were Mutation Types with cold blood - otherwise she would have only made it to the corner from her house before going into hibernation. The electrical warming coils in the coat let her withstand the cold and meet up with her friends which again she was thankful for.

Even if she had to admit it made her look like a gremlin or the Pro Hero Wash.

"Hey Tsu-chan!" Ochako Uraraka waved at her when Tsuyu had stepped inside the private gym Mr. Yagi had offered for her and her friends to use during the winter months when Dagobah Beach had become too cold for her and Setsuna. Once the weather had warmed up though they had stayed at the gym as Dagobah had become an increasingly popular beach for the locals - which meant they were more likely to get in trouble for using their quirks out in the open.

"Good Morning Ocha-chan" Tsu croaked with her normal monotone voice, they had only met yesterday but Tsu had taken an instant liking to the tall, cheery young woman. She had initially been a nervous beanpole, apologizing for intruding on Tsu's friend group but once everyone had welcomed her she was practically bouncing in the air. Taking off her coat and sitting down on the bench next to Ocha-chan Tsuyu's gaze drifted to the fighting ring that took up a good portion of the gym space. Light reflected off the blades that crashed into one another inside of the ring and made her blink slowly. She croaked, "It looks like Kamakiri-chan and Midoriya-chan are making good on their promise to fight."

"Oh yea! It's kind of...scary." Ocha-chan rubbed the back of her head, her smile faltering a tad as she nodded in the direction where Izuku and Togaru were sparring with one another.

"COME AT ME! COME ON!" Kamakiri shouted as he clashed with Izuku, both men covered from head to toe with an assortment of blades protruding from their bodies. Togaru's quirk, Razor Sharp, allowed him to form powerful blades from his body at will. Izuku's quirk immediately made him sprout similar blades but unlike Togaru he could not make more, other than the ones that formed after copying the quirk.

Their space was filled with the sound of said blades clattering as they both thrust and parried at one another. Tsu watched as Togaru swept his leg up to strike at Izuku, a single, broad blade cutting toward Izuku who blocked it with two smaller blades that protruded from his forearms. After a moment Izuku pushed back with his arms, forcing Togaru to leap back as the Mutate-quirk user went from blocking to striking with those same arms in one fluid motion. The Mantis-morph's eyes were scowling but he had a clearly excited grin across his lips as he assaulted Izuku with another series of attacks.

Tsu had been in the same testing site as Kamakiri and she had seen him cleave through a small army of villain bots with his Razor Sharp quirk. So she knew how dangerous he could be, especially when riled up for a fight - which just made her silently praise Izuku for how far he had come since she had first met him all those months ago.

"Hmm." Tsu put one finger to her chin as she thought back, "It really has been almost a year since I first met Midoriya-chan."

"Awwww! I wish I had met you guys way back then too..." Uraraka sighed, clasping her face in her hands - careful to not let her pinky fingers touch so as to not activate her quirk, "And now you'll be in Class 1-B and most likely Midoriya and everyone else will be too unless not as many Emitter Types pass the exam."

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