Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When his back slammed into the beach, creating a small storm of upturned sand and a crater he sank into Izuku had to admit - for what felt like the hundredth time - Kendou knew how to put the moves on him.

"Oof...I think I almost saw my ancestors with that one." Izuku quipped weakly, anything to distract him from Kendou's powerful arm locked across his chest and her looming figure that filled his vision. When she smiled it reminded him of All Might.

"Aww, but you look so cute on your back. Like a cute little hedgehog." Kendou winked before she let jumped back up to her feet and helped up with a strong enough tug on his hand, one embiggened hand locked in the other, for a moment he thought she would dislocate his shoulder.

He was happy though that he was getting much more used to touching Kendou. It came with the necessity of sparring but he no longer flinched as much around her, "At least your learning to fall better, Midoriya."

"It's something I guess..." he shook his head and rolled his arm to ease up the tension. Sparring with Kendou was something else, the ginger-haired amazon was fast, strong, AND well trained in several different martial arts. Her last attack that had sent him sprawling had been simple, she just charged straight at him, swept his feet from underneath him, and knocked him down with her arm across his shoulders.

In short, she was still amazing.

" have been getting better over the last month." Kendou frowned at him, which only made him curse himself silently. He hadn't meant to make it sound like he was whining or complaining.

"I know, I know." he sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "I'm just having a hard time trying to find my advantage in a fight against you."

He had studied heroes fighting villains for years. He could easily call up the strengths and weaknesses of most Pro Heroes in a snap and decide the best way to fight them but in practice was a lot harder than theory in his case.

"You do have an advantage I can't beat" Itsuka pointed at his embiggened hands, "Unpredictability and adaptability with your quirk! No two fights will be the same for you."

"I don't know. It's not like there will be quirks I can copy just laying around every fight. I've really only been able to spar you with your quirk so far." Which was true. So far he had been mostly training with her quirk, except for once or twice and those times had been accidents and short lived. Aunty Mitsuki had come over to the apartment he shared with his mother and she had hugged him on his way out the door - so he had her Glycerin-quirk. Another time the subway train had stopped short and a man had bumped into him with a mutation quirk that grew a strong lizard tail. "Aunty Mitsuki's quirk let me produce enough liquid from my pores that made skin contact with my slippery until I hit the sand and it stuck to my skin negating the quirk. The lizard tail was useful to sweep out your legs but then I lost my balance and fell over. Though Big Fist was useful to get me back to my feet-"

He felt a flick on his ear from Kendou's normal sized hand, "Your mumbling Izuku."

She did not seem annoyed with his mumbling, she was smiling at him again and that more than the flick to his ear made him stop. She was wearing a teal training gi that absolutely hugged her form and did more to accent it than hide it. He also knew fully well that she had brought her swimsuit with her - it was part of the training schedule they had come up with, on the weekends they would spar in the morning and then do laps in the ocean in the afternoon. He could just picture her in it-

No. No, that was a bad idea. He could not afford to be so distracted when he was so far behind her in training. He also doubted she saw that, he did not know her type but that didn't stop him from thinking that she had far better choices than someone like him.

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