Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

After getting inside of the exam building Itsuka and Izuku had finally met up with Setsuna and Tsu, introducing Uraraka to their friends had drawn comments from the sharp-tongued lizard-tail-quirk user asking if the new girl was willing to dye her hair green much to her confusion.

Fortunately before she could go deeper into it Setsuna had left wishing them all good luck and told them she would be back later after the exams had ended. Awkwardly wishing everyone else to do their best Izuku had gone to his seat - next to the last person he wanted to be seated next to - Kacchan. The Explosion-quirk user had glared daggers at him but had not said a word, maybe he thought that threat of violence would be enough? Though later when Present Mic explained the rules for the Hero Course practical exam he thought he saw Kacchan looking at him but Izuku put it off as his imagination. The written exam had been tough, but he felt like he had done well enough to get a passing score - it was all general studies questions such as math, English, and science - as he was fairly studious when it came to his classes at Aldera beyond the fearful and suspicious looks he would get from his classmates.

He had nearly bolted though when one of the other examinees who had been berating Present Mic about instructions for the exam had turned around and chastised Izuku for muttering. It was a nervous habit of his! Same with how he had tugged at his gloves and tried to sink into the floor when all of the eyes in the room had focused on him. Blessedly the Pro Hero had been quick to pull the spotlight back onto himself and explain about the different villain robots.

"ALLLLRIGHTY!" Present Mic's voice echoed throughout the exam room, bouncing off the walls. "Now that you Little Listeners know the basics for the practical exam it's time for you all to get changed and on your buses to the exam sites! When I call your testing group number just step through the doors, get your fightin' clothes on and head outside to the buses that will take you away!"

So they were separating the examinees after all. Being seated next to Kacchan he had been surprised that they had grouped the examinees by school district, however splitting them up now for the practical exam made sense. This way students who might have planned on working together for the exam did not go to the same site.

"If your exam card has A, C, and E please go on ahead to the changing rooms!" Present Mic called out. From where he sat Izuku was able to makeout Itsuka and Tsu as they stood up and left the room. He felt the pit in his stomach widen at the thought of neither of his friends being there with him.

Still. I hope they pass. They both have amazing quirks and they are great friends. Izuku sighed and looked down at his bag which had his change of clothes and his quirk samples. They may not be taking the exam together but in a way they were still with him, he had both of their quirks along with Kamakiri's and Setsuna's. It had been nearly ten whole months since he had begun his journey to UA but here he was taking the exam with his quirk and it was all because they had supported him in their own ways, some large and some small. I'll do my best to pass. I-I can't do anything less than going Plus Ultra! Not after everything they've done to help me.

"ALRIGHT!" Present Mic's boomed several minutes later, "Groups B, D, and F! You are up to go!"

Knowing from the exam card he had received after signing up he was Group B he got up, Kacchan getting up with him but oddly when he got to the end of the aisle he motioned for Izuku to move in front of him.

"I don't want you doing something dirty. Keep your damn quirk copying hands in front of me where I can see them." Kacchan growled out, making Izuku flinch and stumble ahead of his childhood friend who followed behind him. The greenette could feel the blonde's piercing gaze stab through him all the way through the exit doors.

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