Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"O-oh m-m-my baby-baby b-boy is a m-man n-now!" Inko Midoriya wailed, her eyes a constant stream of tears that given how she was holding onto him so tightly was soaking Izuku's green hoodie. "Y-you're leaving the nest all g-g-grown up!"

Not that Izuku was much better.

"I-it's okay, Mom. I-I won't be that far away! You can visit in a f-few weekends too..." Izuku 's voice trembled, a smaller stream of tears falling down his face. He thought it was only because of how many years they had lived in the same apartment complex and their neighbors had learned to tune out the crying Midoriyas that no one had complained about them as they stood by the street. In a small pile of boxes was everything Izuku was taking within him to UA, they were just waiting for UA's mover bots to arrive to take Izuku and his belongings to the university - self-hired moving services were forbidden from setting foot on campus.

Given how high profile UA was and the number of heroes it churned out every year they spared no expense when it came to security - even for their new students.

"A-are y-you s-sure? Y-ou don't w-want y-your mother to be a b-b-bother?" Inko looked up at him, sniffling loudly.

"O-of c-course you wouldn't be! I'll get to show you...what I've learned about becoming a h-hero!" Izuku smiled shakley, he brought up both of his hands and placed them on Inko's cheeks.

His hands were bare of the usual gloves he wore. Ever since he had gotten his quirk she was the only person he wasn't afraid to touch with his skin or have touched him. Or at least she HAD been until recently...

Her quirk was an Emitter Type so there was no way for him to copy it but she was also his mother and he knew it would have broken both their hearts if he had been afraid of her.

"Oo-h Izuku. You've gotten so tall." Inko sniffed again, her tears starting to draw back from a dam breaking to a small stream, "It f-feels like it was o-only yesterday y-you were p-p-ulling on my pants for c-computer time to watch All Might."

Inko's face became somber at the mention of the #1 Hero, she bit her lip and looked at him as if she was holding something back. When she did speak her voice was quiet and full of guilt, "I-if only I had done more for you. Enough that it wouldn't have to have been All Might-"

"I-I've told you before..." Izuku interrupted her, putting on a brave, if small smile just for her, "It's my fault for not...not being open about how h-h-hard things were."

It had been thanks to Itsuka, Tsuyu, and even Mr. Yagi prodding him that he had admitted to his mother just how bad his daily life had been. How others had taunted him about his quirk, how his classmates had accused him of having a villain's quirk, of being chased by bullies (though he had not revealed Kacchan's or anyone else's names), how he had hated his quirk, and how bad his anxiety had become.

It had been painful to see and hear the pain she had felt, that she had failed him by giving him his quirk and not noticing how bad it had been for him. They had cried together for a while but in the end he had convinced her as much as he could that what had happened was in the past and he was moving forward to leave it all behind him.

"I know...oh, Izuku you are t-too good of a s-son." she smiled past her tears, the faucet finally having turned off, a bubbly laugh escaping her as she continued, "I-I'm your mother! You're supposed to b-blame me for everything b-bad in your life!"

"I c-couldn't ever do that!" Izuku was laughing too as he bent down and hugged the shorter woman tightly, "A bad m-mother couldn't make the great katsudon y-you do!"

They were still laughing and hugging one another when the UA moving truck pulled up to them. Reluctantly breaking the hug with his mom Izuku went up to the driver's side of the truck and placed his UA student badge that he had received from his pre-orientation to the dark glass of the side window. The entire glass pane flashed like it was a computer or tablet screen before it chimed with a green light.

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