Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Mean Green Dream Team (And Kendou)*

T-Rex: Where are you two? Froggy is getting antsy! She is gonna hop off at any moment.

Frog: Not true.

Frog: Though you should hurry.

Fist: I'm coming up on UA now.

Sword: I'm already here. Why are you here Lizard-Teeth? You've been bragging about how you passed the Recommendation Exam for like. A month.

T-Rex: I'm here to provide morale support for my friends. And I wasn't talking about you Bug-Out. Where is Moptop?

Sword: FIGHT ME!

Fist: He isn't there already?

Frog: Nope.

Itsuka stared at her phone, keeping up her pace as she walked toward the exam building on the UA Campus. Izuku wasn't here yet? She would have figured him to have arrived hours earlier, before the gates had even opened to let examinees inside. Had he overslept like her?

She still couldn't recall the dream she had last night but as soon as she had seen the time she had pushed it aside and leapt to ready herself and leave for the exam. Her training with Gran Torino and All Might over the last several months had opened up more ways for her to use the awesome power of the quirk she had been given about ten months ago. With a flash of orange lightning she had used One For All: Battle Stance 10% to speed through her morning routine and be out the door before her parents had even realized she had woken up.

"Sure it felt a little weird to use All Might's quirk for something so mundane but it had helped..." she sheepishly told herself as she continued to stare at the screen. Izuku still had not answered, he had with much coaxing from her, Tsu, and Setsuna come out of his shell little by little over the summer, his agoraphobia was not as bad as it had been so she did not think he would miss the exam because he would be forced into a room for with hundreds of other students. He had also stopped flinching whenever she touched him or reached out in his direction, instead his blazing smile sometimes seemed to grow brighter when she did. It made her heart squeeze at times as she was filled with...

...pride. Pride for the growth her friend had made. It had to be that and only that.

"Today's the day we both pass the exam and get into UA!" she said louder to herself, a smile of confidence widening on her face.

Without proper warning her foot tripped on a brick in the path, her forward momentum carrying her down to the inviting, hard ground below her. She thought. Or I'll just break my nose and die.

Before she could hit the ground she felt a hand press against her followed immediately by a strange sense of weightlessness. Her fall had halted completely and to her surprise she was floating in mid-air. Is this someone's quirk?

Itsuka got her answer when she felt two hands grab her by the sides and right her back up to a standing position, her eyesight blurred for a moment before she was looking directly into a set of wide, brown eyes. Wait. Directly? Ever since I got All Might's quirk I've been like almost 7ft tall!

"Oh wow! Glad I caught you, otherwise that would have been a pretty bad fall." the Brown Eyes said with a chipper, bubbly tone, "Here let me undo my quirk."

The hands left Itsuka's sides and for a moment she felt herself begin to float away but no sooner than they had she felt her full weight return to her as if gravity was a child snatching at the string of their balloon before it got away.

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