Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was safe to say Izuku and the others behind him did not waste their time getting into the classroom, not with Midnight's lingering gaze and mischievous smile on her lips. Though oddly to him he saw both Itsuka and Tsu giving him an dead-eyed look - which itself he thought was a feat for Tsu given her normal blank expressions - that quickly flitted back and forth from him to Midnight.

They were probably just worried for him that Midnight's attention on him meant he was in trouble somehow. He silently vowed that he would work on tying his tie later that night. The last thing Izuku wanted was to worry his new professor or his friends at all!

' Does Izuku like older women?' The thought was perfectly shared between Itsuka and Tsuyu as they sidestepped and frog-marched their way into the classroom behind their guy friend. Both in their own way were confused and worried by their shared thought - after all it wasn't like Izuku had shared with them any interest over Midnight...beyond his usual hero fanboyism...but the possibility that he did nagged at both women. Tsuyu was able to wave it off, she did have more important matters to take care of but Itsuka was unable to pull herself out of her own mental quagmire as easily.

' Maybe it was her costume? ' Itsuka's mind ventured further though and she couldn't deny that the 18+ Heroine's costume appeal through the roof. For just a moment she imagined herself in Midnight's costume, the leather corset and latex hugging her own body tightly. She was taller and more broad shouldered than Midnight so it would definitely be a very snug fit. Leaving very little to the imagination about the shape of her body, maybe even simple movements would cause it to tear in...places. She imagined she would need help with the zipper in the back so she would turn to Izuku looked at her and ask him to-

' Nope! NopeNopeNope! ' Itsuka flipped the thought over, wrapped it in a rug and tossed it into a metaphorical river. She did not need that kind of thought this late in the morning, instead she focused on what was in front of her.

The classroom looked...completely average.

There was a chalkboard on the wall with a teacher's desk right in front of it which was faced by five rows of five desks each. On the far wall from the door and the wall behind the student desks were windows which let the sun shine through giving the entire room a bright appearance.

It did not look all that different than one she would have expected in her high school or middle school really. Itsuka had seen a map of UA's campus which had included the rooms within each building. She knew there were lecture halls that could contain upward of one hundred students elsewhere within the main building. Branching off like limbs of a tree there were smaller attached buildings for the workshops for the Support Course, training gyms for all of the students, and of course the training grounds just for the Hero Courses from year one to year three.

"Kero. Look, the desks have paper nameplates on them." Tsuyu croaked and pointed, it made her wonder what kind of seating chart plan Professor Midnight had used. She was in the second seat in the first row and Shouji was behind her. Much to her silent disappointment she could see that Itsuka and Izuku were placed last in the second and third rows respectively. She had wanted to sit closer to her friends but it looked like she would be sitting behind someone named Fukidashi and to her left would be someone named Kaibara.

Asui, Kendou, Midoriya, and Shouji moved ahead to let everyone behind them into the room - the 'Dupli-Arm' quirk user sliding past the 'Frog' quirk user to sit at his seat shortly followed by the latter sitting down as well. Itsuka took the lead to walk toward the front of the class and then down her respective row and Izuku followed behind her, however as they did so one of the three other students that had already arrived, a tall guy with blue hair and glasses (the other two being a hairy guy with glasses sitting behind Shouji and an even taller guy in the far corner whose head looked almost like a glue dispenser) stood up and pointed an accusing finger at - Izuku.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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