CHAPTER 1 : Dream

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Nunew POV

'Think wisely..if you let my hands go now you won't able to see me anymore' Hia stare on me sharply giving out a normal voice. I was stunned thinking what to do. My body become motionless as statue. My mind go wild thinking on my decision. I stare down on the road before speak up my decision. 'I want stay' I hesitantly voicing out with my eyes closed tightly and he let my hands go as soon as he heard my decision. I watch hia back become smaller as he walking away far from my stand. My tears rolling down my cheek but there's no sobbing coming out from my throat. I try my best holding my tears back. I won't let he know how regretful I am now. Hia didn't even care to turn back looking at me for the last time. My knees weakened as I saw hia drove off his car down the street. 'There's no turning back!' I keep reminding the fact in my mind. I finally fall on the ground cried harder. My hands trembling aggrieved. '' my eyes widened by the sound of my alarm.

I let out a long sighed. 'Here it comes again' I sit on my bed wiping my tears that falls unconsciously. Every night the same nightmare haunt my sleep. My insomnia is getting worse day by day. Therefore I set an appointment with the psychiatrist every month to monitor my condition. I get up from the bed reaching the towel. I need to be ready for the new day. I was hired by an estate company as a personal assistant. It's been almost 1 year I hold the degree of office administration but this is the first job I was hired.

I was dropped off by the bus almost 100 metre away from my office. I was not from the silver spoon family. Therefore, I need to save more money for my parents . I was indeed anxious to meet my boss. I had heard many rumor about the personal assistant from Quin gallery realty will never last long because of their boss fussy son. His son pursue his studies overseas and at same time monitoring his father company. I headed to the entrance. I took a deep breath before stepping inside the company. 'Everything will be ok right?' I questioned myself. My eyes roamed wild around the company. Even the company lounge looks expensive. My heart thumping loudly feeling the excitement. 'Hi, this is my first day working as a personal assistant. Can I know where I should head to?' I asked the girl with a blonde ,short hair that was waiting at the counter. 'Ohh..ok..I will come back to you later' the girl dialed and talking to the phone in front of her immediately after answering me. 'Sorry..Mr?' the question was left in the middle. 'Ohh I'm Mr New' I put a bright smile. 'Yes Mr New, go to level 44. The person in charge are waiting there.' the girl politely instruct. 'Ok krub...thank you' I lowered my head politely before walked away.


I took a deep breath at my first step in my birth land. It's been almost 5 years I pursue my studies in London. I got no choice but to take over my dad company. I took a taxi heading to my house. I want to suprise my mother and my sister about my return. As I enter my house gate, my eyes darted to a familiar figure with a grey hair watering the plants. It has been his favorite hobby so our house will always full of colorful flowers. 'Sawadeekrub por' I put my hands together waii to my old man. A big smile form on his lips as his dazzling eyes meet mine. He move a little closer as he hug me tight . 'You are back now son' I hug in return. 'Where is mae?' I ask with a smile still intact on my lips. 'She is inside. She keep asking me every night when are you coming home.' por lips corner smirking with Mae behavior. I chuckles a little patting his back. 'I'm going to surprise her' I walked over to the kitchen and my gaze abruptly shifted to an old woman busy laid out the dish on the table. She jump off surprised as I hug her from the back. 'This is me mae' I laughed out loud. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she stare on me. 'You are coming back for real?' Mae said furrowing his eyebrow. 'Of course...I am going to enter the company after few days' I hold both her hands reassuring. She put me in her hug patting my head. 'I miss you' Mae said as soft as a whisper. ' I miss you too mae' I return the hug tightly.

Nunew POV

I walked around the floor searching for the person I was supposed to meet. The level was spacious and there is no workers on the floor. There's only a desk set up at the corner of the level and there is wide and high stairs upwards at the side, maybe where the CEO office located. Level 44 is the highest level in the company so I guess the desk must be prepared for me. The lift was opened and I saw the middle aged guy walking out holding a file. 'Are you the new personal assistant' the guy asked with his eyes pointing at me. I nodded in reply. ' name is can just call me p' is the document you need to compile by this week. You need to submit this to the CEO by next week. Are you clear?' P'mate asked handing the file on his hand. 'Yes..but do I need to report my presence to the CEO today?' my gaze averted to the door upstairs. ' boss will be appointed next ready' he said firmly almost sounds like a warn. I nodded understanding. He leave as soon he done explaining to me. 'Am I going to be here alone this week' I whisper to myself looking around the level. Nothing was here. There's only toilet and pantry located near my desk. I move myself recklessly placing my seat . I need to start working now. I will impress my new boss with my work.


Hi..this is my second book.. I will try to do a different method of writing (using POV method rather than narrating as my first book) I hope you can support my work..I will gladly accept if there are any comment either a good or bad one. Thank you.

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