CHAPTER 4 : The Truth

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Nunew POV

I wake up surprised looking for my phone. I need to greet the auditor coming at 11 o'clock. It's almost 10 am and I get up sitting on the bed immediately. I need to be ready by then. My eyes roamed around the office looking for the owner. Where did he go? I thought he don't have schedule for today. The scene last night rolling in my mind. I heaved a deep sigh. What if he ask me? What should I answer? My thought disappear when I realized I'm getting late. I get up and headed to the shower to take a bath.


I headed to the hospital that nunew has been referred to almost for 5 years. It's not difficult to find the information about him especially when I hired a personal investigator. 'I want to meet Dr ganhan. It's urgent' I speak to one of the staff. 'I'm sorry but he is on leave today. I can give you his number if you want to contact him' I nodded . He give me his business card and smile softly. 'Thank you' .

Zee : Good morning Dr ganhan. Can I meet you? I have important thing to ask you. About your patient, nunew chawarin.

I put down my phone and drive away to my house. I want to avoid nunew as much as I can. My head and heart aches when I see nunew in that vunerable state last night. I need to know the truth. I sat on the sofa laying my head backs. 'Please nhu ...Don't let me feel bad' I speak to myself as I let out a deep sigh. My phone was notified with a message.

Dr Ganhan : I'm free this weekend.

Zee : Thank you. I will send you the location later.

My phone receive a call from my best friend, phassakorn.

Zee : What's up friend?

Korn : I am back..don't you wanna meet me

Zee : Not today. I am busy

Korn : Ok then. This weekend?

Zee : Also can't. I've got appointment.

Korn : Aoww...are you going to left me out.

Zee : I'm not..but I'm really busy.. I'll told you when I'm free..let's hang out together

Korn : Bring your new secretary..I should have fun with her

Zee :'s a guy

Korn : Ohooo zee...suddenly you hire a guy?

Zee : It's my company ..I can do anything I want

Korn : Relaxx..I was just joking...lets bring him together..

Zee : Why do want him though?

Korn : Just getting know people around you..Can't I?

Zee : You know him..

Korn : Huh?! Who is he?

Zee : My ex boyfriend...Nunew

Korn : Interesting...Its been a long time I haven't met him...bring him along

Zee : I will if he is free..let me hang up..I receive another call

Korn : Ok don't forget your promise

I ended the call when I saw nunew was calling.

Nunew : Mr zee.. are you not coming?

Zee : No..I will come next week

Nunew : But the auditor,..

Zee : Handle that for only if it is urgent.

I hang up on him. Things have been tough lately. I massage my forehead lightly.

Nunew POV

I stare on my phone. Look!..he back to his old self. I shrugged my shoulder off putting the phone on the table. I take out the medicine from the cabinet in the pantry. It's a safest place rather than in my desk. If anyone see this, I can just told it was not mine.


I heading to the location I have set with Dr ganhan. My heart are beating nervously. When I arrived, he already there sitting at the corner. ' I late?' I sat across him. 'No..I was the one came early' he take a sip of his coffee. 'Do you know I can't reveal my patient information?' he stare right into me. 'I am aware of that but he is one of my workers..and he also sign a contract with me' I hand him the signed contract. The clause has stated, 'The company held any right and access to the physical and mental health of the first party'. He nodded understand. 'So what do you need to know?' he print his focus on me. 'About nunew.. What is his disease? Since when he was consulting you?' I let out all the question in my thought. 'He had a major depressive disorder with post traumatic stress disorder..Its been five years I have prescribe him the medicine but he never getting any better . He can't get over from his past' he explained. I was stunned trying to gather myself together. 'What....the cause?' my words came out in hesitation. What if it is something related to me? I won't able to forgive myself if I'm really the cause of his suffering. 'Just something about his terrifying past..I can't tell you's his personal should ask him yourself' he said in bitter tone. I was stunned at the moment. 'I need to go now..' he get up holding my shoulder tightly as if he know something is troubling me. I was still sitting spacing out. What if I'm really the reason? What should I do? My thought blaming myself as the tears damped in my eyes.

I reach home and park my car inside the garage. But as I walked reach the door, the most person I don't want to see is standing right in front of me. I walked past ignoring him but he held my wrist. 'Why are you avoiding me?' the solemn expression masked all over my face. 'I'm not' I give him a short reply. ' You are, even right it because of that night' he shoot guessing the reason. 'No..not because of that' I turn away pulling my wrist hard. 'Hiaa!!' his scream stopped me for a while.It has been long time he didn't call me like that. But now, I was not ready to hear it. 'Call me like you should to' I command him firmly without facing him.

I walked straight inside the house but he follow close behind me. 'It doesn't is not working hours..I can call you whatever I want' he argue to me. I sigh in surrender going upstairs to my room but he halted blocking my way. 'Tell me why? What happened? It's been a you think I won't know you are avoiding me.' he said stare to me waiting for my response . 'What are we really? Why do I need to tell you if you already acting the same? Don't intervene in my problems because I want to be good in handling it all by myself. Just like you ' I said sarcastically. 'What do you mean?' he said in confusion. His eyebrow knitted together. 'Think by yourself' I walked past him. He didn't stopped me but just standing still at his place. 'It's already late can stay in the guest room if you want to' I know he take a bus coming here and I'm sure there won't be any bus at this hour. At least I want to protect him. I don't want anything bad to happened.

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